What defines thread hostility? (Able commander controversy aside)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by drewsuser, July 12, 2014.

  1. freelikegnu

    freelikegnu Member

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    Sleep well!
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    How would you track that kind of activity?

  3. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Moderators are gone.

    Post gifs!

  4. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Luckily you can carry all your boxes in one hand and the couch in the other. Your superpower means you can move in record time.
    Last edited: July 12, 2014
  5. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Thanks, now I understand reasoning for that, but please if you ban someone make some post about that.
    This clear a lot of possible misunderstanding.

    PA: When something removed it's hard to guess how much posts/topics was removed and why.
    tatsujb and freelikegnu like this.
  6. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Hostile implies an intent to harm. Who do you think we are, Internet Vikings?

    If you see stuff so out of the park like that about a decision, why the hell would you just delete the conversation and try to push it under the rug? We cannot ignore problems, or they get bigger and bigger, until they eat us whole.
    lokiCML, cmdandy and ilovepayudodis like this.
  7. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    drz1, websterx01, Fr33Lancer and 6 others like this.
  8. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    We will not, ever, post about someone getting banned or suspended. Not unless there are extreme circumstances that require explanation, which has yet to happen in the PA community. It is not appropriate discussion, or something we should have to do. The moderators have a forum to notify if it's happened or about to happen. That is the appropriate place for it to be.

    Seriously now, good night. ;)
  9. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    It was the third post on the same topic as well, not to mention it could (and WOULD if not have been closed/locked) have gotten nasty.
  10. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Wow, what happened in such a short time lol. Anyway, tsk, yeah, in my experience they don't usually do more than a permanent ban of an account with a very weak enforcement of the person in specific, as long as they will actually reform back to good posting.

    Anyway, with that in mind, I don't get what the many threads I missed today were about. What on earth could possibly be this passionate for forum posters to dig into so rashly? Don't tell me it's commander prices and forum moderation over high-duplicate threads? I don't mind periodic duplicates, but a first page of all "commander prices" threads, srsly combine all that plz, I want to hear about the new PTE features and the tournament and the upcoming feature discussion, I shouldn't have to dig to 2nd page to get to it.
    Also this. Deleting a topic? Isn't sweeping it under a rug. If it were me, I'd diligently delete every single thread that followed a previously deleted thread. If asked, its simple rules, one thread per topic, must be constructively on topic. If it isn't, it needs not exist. Deleting isn't sweeping under the rug, deleting is keeping only the necesary and burning the clutter before our forums ends up on the TV show "hoarders"
    websterx01 and reptarking like this.
  11. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    Hey, whoa.
    I prefer to think of us as internet legionaries.
    squishypon3, mered4 and Geers like this.
  12. Yazilliclick

    Yazilliclick Member

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    For charity or profit is rather irrelevant to the points and questions being raised and feels a bit like a guilt trip to limit anyone speaking up. I'm all for charity. I still have a credit card balance I need to pay off from donating too much last year. However I'm also for companies being accountable for promises made and healthy relations between consumers and the companies they do business with.

    Clearly in this case there is a very distinct difference between what Uber and a sizable portion of the community believe 'exclusive' means in regards to models. Personally I fall in the camp that changing the skin on an exclusive model is not sufficient enough change. Personally I would fall in the camp that there's no reason at all to use an exclusive item as a base for another when there are clearly other options. Reasons such as 'the model was cool so we wanted to use it' is the reason some people paid for that exclusivity in the first place after all. Other games that offer an exclusive item for money tend to consider the model and texture both to be exclusive and not reuse them. When offering just an exclusive texture that tends to be explicitly stated that what is being offered is an exclusive texture only.

    I think for future's clarity sake Uber needs to clearly define what is meant by 'exclusive' and where the line is on what can be reused in future creations to avoid these situations coming up again. Is this something Uber could define?

    Also as to the original topic (moderation) is it possible when locking a thread that the moderating doing so respond with a clear reason as to why it's being locked? This would hopefully reduce a lot of misconception as to why provided there is a valid reason such a user making multiple posts on the same topic (ie. spam).
  13. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Wish I had written this earlier.

    EDIT: I'm sorry. I had to.
    Last edited: July 12, 2014
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  14. freelikegnu

    freelikegnu Member

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    As long as we're not 'bots, right?
  15. drewsuser

    drewsuser Active Member

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    All these posts about the Able! Stop please! Multiple devs keep saying how "this thread is an example of how we didn't want the community to react to the Able." Not what the thread was intended for AT ALL. This topic is about deleting and locking threads in general. You would be correct in assuming this thread was made in-light of the Able posts, but I must protest all these posts about the Able, to which I have addressed many times.
    Clopse and mered4 like this.
  16. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Excellent point. We were honestly discussing all the ridiculousness of the locking of the threads.

    Though it kinda turned into a drama/no drama thing. You know, where the people who SCREAM about drama all the time are usually the ones perpetuating it?
  17. freelikegnu

    freelikegnu Member

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    I forsee a mod that makes commanders only able to build commanders and those commanders resemble reskinned progenitors.
  18. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    I think it's pretty clear that this really isn't the response that Uber was expecting or hoping for. This incident should have passed calmly and without notice and instead blew up into a wonderful instance of internet drama (which we all know is the finest kind of drama).

    However, this isn't the first time that there has been a storm on the forums (eg. T1 vs T2, orbital units, early access, commander selling, commander pricing, the unit cannon, the list goes on... ). It won't be the last, either. Throughout all of these contentious issues it occurs to me that (with one exception) nobody has sat down and asked "why does this keep happening?". There doesn't seem to be much post-blow-up-analysis about how these things can be prevented or mitigated in the future, in a way that everyone is happy with.

    Developer/community interaction is going to be something that changes drastically as the video-game industry evolves. Nobody has got that interaction right yet. There are things that both the developers and the community can do to try and limit drama. However, leadership in sorting that out has to come from somewhere.

    So, if the Q&A to Brad is still open:

    Do you understand why the forum keeps flaring up over relatively inconsequential issues?

    What are you going to do to prevent this happening in the future?

    Actually, that is not just a question to Brad. That is a question that everyone should be pondering.
  19. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    No more moderators?


  20. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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