anyone noticed that Planets that we can Play at now are too Small? I mean playing in a 400 meters planet, fell the same as playing in a 5x5KM map in SupCom... of course this is not a problem because we are in Beta, and we are going to have bigger planets when the game is released. But the Problem is that the game is going to have the 5x5 Map balance, and when we get to larger planets we are going to have slow units(that is not soo problematic, when we have TelePortals)/ with no range... of course this would be something to focus a bit before the game is released, but I am putting this point now.
The 1200 planets are pretty big. However, all of the randomized planets are annoyingly small. I always create custom systems to combat this.
Weapon ranges are also balanced toward small planets, and maybe even to the curvature of small planets so things that fire in a straight line don't shoot into the ground. I'd love to see way bigger planets and longer ranges for all weapons. Speaking of curvature of small planets, go play a quick game on a radius 200 planet, it works, and is hilarious
Radius 200? Try radius 50. Anyway, this also needs to be addressed. There is absolutely zero reason units need to shoot in straight lines. Weapons shots should follow the curvature of the planet. Make it happen, Uber!