Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials, etc)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by FunkOff, August 19, 2012.

  1. technoxan

    technoxan New Member

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    Re: Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials,

    I agree :!: :!: :mrgreen: :ugeek:
  2. ohhhshiny

    ohhhshiny Active Member

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    Re: Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials,

    Hard to say.
    In my oppinion, as many said before, this game is about skale. But skale is not only in one direction - is can be about the big stuff, but it can be found in the small as well.

    Really many here, and i put myself into it, are really craving for the ultimate strategic experience. And suppleyments of units is a big aspect of strategy - it always was and always will be.

    Anyway - i like the idea of plattforms etc. which repairs units close to them. It will make it possible to not only "THROW EVERYTHING IN YOU HAVE AND LOOK WHO DIES FIRST", but actually thinking if that army is in the right condition to fight, or if you should rather spend 3 minutes to build up a repair station to take care of your army.
  3. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Re: Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials,

    There's already so many different facets to pay attention to.

    I've heard people talking about how they're concerned PA will have too much to do as it is.

    Adding that many more facets will simply require too much work to play and the game will become about logistics instead of fighting.

    I want to play a combat game, not Sim City with some combat here and there.

    In short, adding that would simply be too many facets to pay attention to and would ruin the gameplay - especially for casual players.

    Sounds like it could be a good mod though.
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Re: Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials,

    yes i also like the idea of repairing platforms, this remains low micro, it's just one of the buildings and you have to think of placing it down.

    But as for having to micro amo/fuel/ect into place I dissagree, I am also one of those who wants this to be a macro focused game.

    (and I'm totally with you there on the one factory thing, it's so evident when you see this that it's habbits from starcraft and such. (and the mind-boggleling thing is that factory spam in stacraft II actually works quite good))
    Last edited: July 14, 2013
  5. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Re: Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials,

    Any RTS is better when simply having more factory's then your enemy gives you a major advantage.
  6. tinkertonz

    tinkertonz New Member

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    Re: Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials,

    this game is complicated enough. Please don't make it more so.
  7. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Re: Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials,

    this game is not for people who don't like complicated. TA wasn't exactly farmville
  8. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    Re: Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials,

    Doesn't change the fact, that due to the scale of the game, there's allready enough to do to max out any high apm players with important tasks.

    As has been said before, complicated doesn't necessarly mean interesting so I wouldn't disagree with what they said.
  9. koffiegast

    koffiegast New Member

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    Re: Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials,

    I would really love to make/have a mod where mass/material/resources have a physical location on the map.

    They have to be extracted (e.g. by workers/builders) and units can only be created from resources when they are in possessed by/in proximity of builders.

    It then becomes important to transport resources to the right locations, and there will be a demand for units that are able to carry a lot of resources (and quickly). Hopefully, such features can easily be implemented as a mod, enabling one to develop a whole new level of strategy to the game.

    Said that, I do not believe that rearming/refueling units will be a good choice. Realistic? Yes. Fun? Not so much.

    One of the reasons I think logistics for mass is interesting is that you can not just farm some remote asteroid and build units on an extreme rate on a totally different planet.

    Other features that I would implement is to allow units to be transformed into other units requiring/producing mass as they are made into bigger/cheaper units. The focus will thus be on being able to use the units (which are just mass/matter!) as efficient as possible!
  10. empyreanguard

    empyreanguard Member

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    Re: Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials,

    Why do you want the game to be more cluttered?.. The bots in this era would most probably have ammunition nanolathing mechanisms.

    Do you really think that gasoline/coal/petroleum will be around for more than ~65 years??
    And this is a war thousands of years ahead in future. Each unit will have small fuel cells with huge capacity for their electricity needs.

    Same point as above.

    Looks like you play AoE TOO much. :p Again why would factories need material physically shipped to it? They could transform energy to matter and vice versa.

    There is no point of logistics in a far in future sci-fi game. ;)
  11. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Re: Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials,

    at least repairing/refueling platforms, those could work on their own, as long as there is a unit patroling nearby he would go to it on his own.
  12. pauloaugusto

    pauloaugusto New Member

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    Re: Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials,

    Why is so many people stating as an unavoidable truth that if the game has logistics it would be more complicated and more microy!?

    TA, many mods in SpringRTS and PA(?) already implement logistics (many units require energy to operate - move, fire, cloack) and that is dead simple and absolutely no micro required. And still quite strategic.

    I've even saw:
    Where the hell are the Starcrap's logistics? There is absolutely no logistics in Starcrap!!! And yet it is insanely microy. No, just NO! There are enough and sound arguments against logistics. STOP pouring failed arguments into this thread!

    And why the heck is so many people talking about realism!? Mostly all the arguments I see for logistics are for gameplay balance, not really for realism.

    * ex: keep planes from sustaining attacks; keep the ultra planes' mobility from projecting their power on the whole map
  13. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Re: Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials,

    :| Why do I get the feeling that this is the same kind of reaction that players of battlefield give?
  14. Grounders10

    Grounders10 Member

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    Re: Logistics (ammo, fuel, electricity, building materials,

    If anyone wants to point to a game with logistics could you at least look at one with the extreme? Like oooh... say Wargame: Airland Battle and its predecessor Wargame European Escalation. You have to manage Fuel, ammo, repairs/reinforcing. You also have to micro your units a lot, though no where near as often as starcraft or equivalent games. The only logistics in Starcraft and such games is: Mine, Build, spam. In stuff like Wargame its: Okay I need more ammo for this group of tanks, and that one needs repairs so I better get a supply truck from the back... *&^& I only have 3 left and the Forward Base is out of extra supplies, Does that Group really need to be reinforced?

    If they were going that angle then yeah I'd say don't do it. I love Wargame but its a completely different style of RTS than PA. Logistics of that depth would be overwhelming with the intended scale of PA. I mean can you imagine having to manage all that across an entire system? My mind would break. I'm in favor of the most Logistics in PA being Energy costs when Artilley fires, Build costs, and other upkeep requirements built into the unit without having to micro the repairs and rearmament. (beyond telling an Engineer to patrol near the units). Also I did like the aircraft refuel requirement for Supcom, it was an excellent way of balancing the high mobility of the Air Force on bigger maps.
  15. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    Nope nope nope nope!

    Introducing logistics into the game such as fuel and ammo management would just detract from the true awesomeness at the core of these kind of games.

    I love city-building games and the like (Pharaoh, Caesar IV, Settlers etc), and the logistics elements of those games are interesting, but I don't think they're needed in an RTS like PA. I struggle to manage all of my units and continue expanding whilst juggling various bits of the game as it is, the absolute last thing I want to worry about is airlifting ammo to a far out unit of tanks. Oh the horror!

    Nothing wrong with management games and logistics, but I do not think incorporating those elements into an RTS game like PA is a good idea.
  16. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  17. Tabbot

    Tabbot New Member

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    what about something like this;

    parking garages, barracks, airfields,

    you don't keep vehicles, aircraft, or bots outside when you're not commanding them/they're not being used...

    what this does is make logistics somewhat easier, because no-longer are you micromanaging supply lines to moving targets, but rather simply linking buildings together.

    this also (in my opinion) limits the amount of clutter seen on the map.
  18. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Robots don't need garages. And a good player always uses everything. I don't see how adding more buildings reduces map clutter.

  19. Tabbot

    Tabbot New Member

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    eh; I just think it would be a simple way to add logistics,

    a unit can retreat back to its bunker/area and repair/refuel/reload.
  20. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Or we could not add logistics because it would unnecessarily slow the game down and turn it into a Simcity clone.

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