Hi, It would be good if it was possible to connect a teleporter as it is building, so it started teleporting as soon as it finished. This is important because invading with teleporters is so time critical (they usually get attacked immediately)
Thanks! The reason I put it in support is that it's kind of a bug. If you select a teleporter, then wait for one building to finished and connect, it doesn't seem to work. You have to reselect the first teleporter after the building is finished or it doesn't connect.
In the meantime, one way to overcome this is using control groups. If you press Ctrl+1 on the 'origin' teleporter (one that's already built), you can select it again by pressing 1 at any time. So as soon as your 'destination' teleporter is completed, you can just press 1 and right-click.
You can can't you? I just did it. At least I think I did. Again, I'd post the replay if I knew how to link it at all.
Replay isn't much good - you need to record your POV The results of using a control group vs linking before completion are pretty much indiscernible if you're on the ball.
Wait, you can see your UI options from within a replay? And you're going to have to be more explicit with that question, because it's gone straight over my head
-5 marks for finding the wrong question. Very poor. I don't think you can but you can just look at both ends and see if it lights up immediately upon completion. The question was: Is there a way to share replays?
That's what I was saying above - doing it my way it still lights up immediately upon completion because I'm so quick to link it. It's not discernibly different. Yup.
But I can promise you that I didn't do it your way, so if it does light up, there's only one possible answer.