So, I'm in a GW game right now, and I have completely lost the ability to select anything, move anything, press escape, etc. All I can do is move this camera. Any suggestions? No mods or anything.
It's UI crash. All you can do is exit game using Alt+F4. Galactic War progress won't lost except latest battle.
And what should happen then? Console key as well as console itself handled by Coherent so if Coherent crashed there is no console any more.
This tends to occur during periods of high APM. Basically, if you're getting this problem a lot, you need to try to play a bit slower in the meantime. I've also found that use of Uber's hotkey system further exacerbates the problem. EDIT: FWIW I've made a thread to try and get some more data together for Uber about this one:
Gotcha. That's pretty much been all I can do when it happens, but man it sure is annoying. And yeah, for the record, no keys worked except the arrow keys for moving the camera. Nothing else, no F5, no escape, no console key. Tried em all.
Not quite the same, but whenever I use the v+t to select a mex, I can't place it, and I have to just spam mouse clicks to get out of it. Not a full UI crash, and it's totally random.