Please don't annihilate me if I don't post a direct question. I would just like to remind you awesome guys that this awesome game could very well require some sort of interactive Tutorial. And before I try to phrase it all out in a fashion that doesn't look like it was made by CRAPCACK the god of feces, I just throw up this link for you from Extra Credits. They superbly explain how to do an awesome Tutorial <3 PS: Yes they have a motherload of other awesome "Interesting for Game Devs"-Videos on their channel as well.
The game isn't finished. It's pointless for Uber to make an in-depth/in-game tutorial since they'll just need to re-make it every few builds. I imagine we'll get one eventually. They did make this tutorial In the meantime, there's lots of community tutorials.
Yes it's not finished yet, but you apparently haven't watched the video I posted because then you would've known what he said about failing Tutorials that are done just a nanosecond before the game launches. If you just wanna skip to that exact point in the video, go to 5:20 and listen/watch.
I have seen the video, and that doesn't invalidate my point. The game isn't finished. Investing time into any form of a tutorial would be a waste of the developers time as it would just need to be remade on a regular basis. And I'd rather have a finished game than a tutorial. I mentioned the video because it's something they've done. It's not the end all master tutorial or anything. It's just something they've done to help out players while Uber finishes the game. Again, the game isn't finished. They need to finish the game before they do stuff like this.
I do know this Tutorial video, yes. And yea the game is still in a pretty early stage. My initial suggestion/concern/whatever-you-wanna-call-it was never to be understood as "ERMAGERSH I want an in-depth ingame tutorial right now!". Please pardon me if it reads like this. It should just be a "Hey guys, you're doing a f*YAY*ing great job on the game, just please don't forget about an engaging Tutorial in the end when/because you're putting every working force into the actual gameplay" Hope this clears it up a bit
Ermagersh, 500 billionty gigabytes of gameplay on youtube to analyse with half of it being analysed for you by a commentator.
You do realize that watching a video and just copying that stuff is not even close to the learning effect compared to doing by yourself, right?
With RTS games, traditionally the SP campaign is the tutorial. A simple SP campaign is easily doable, but may not be very engaging. Someone could mod it in using the galactic war pretty easily, a few levels with tech progression and introducing all the biomes and concepts. It would just take time, a lot of time if you want the player to have fun whilst doing it.
I think a guided tutorial is a must have for official release. I also think Uber will do something along those lines, it doesn't have to be very long, or have a huge in depth story really, just a bit of narration and introduce all the features would be sufficient.
Most likely will be in. Most likely will see lots of tweets complaining about how horrible they are to make. Source: Toy Rush tutorial.
I'd leave it to modders, then it's up to the community how crap it is Please don't take this as a suggestion
Okay okay, it was funny the first dozen times I read that to myself but now my brain wants something new. Do me a favor and do it again, would you Sugarcube? :3