I know there is talk of a unit cannon, but seriously how the heck does one establish a beach head on another world when its dominated? The unit transports are useless and seriously time consuming having to select one at a time and select the unit you want to take.. A launch-able teleporter would be awesome, or some sort of drop ship capable of moving multiple units at a time perhaps might do it? How do you guys do it?
I've been struggling with this too. Drop in with a swarm of orbital fighters and SXX orbital lasers. Bring about a dozen builders and start throwing down anchors. Nuke if you have to to clear space, and get teleporters down on the planet. Proceed to shove 10 advanced land factories into the portal. Now, pulling this off is much more of an accomplishment than it sounds. Good luck
When everything else fails, combine these two. Send in the nuke just before initializing orbital transfer for builders. The nuke will sweep the orbital layer clear, especially helpful when the enemy has turtled with Anchors of his own.
Easy. You get 20 Orbital fabbers, not 15, not 24, but 20. You then shall command them to make 10 anchors in a circular formation. Due to the high level of Orbital fabbers, you should be able to get them all up extremely fast unless your eco is in the shits. If your eco is down under, then fix it. After fixing your possible crappy eco, and building 10 anchors in a perfect circular formation, with the remaining 10 fabbers you will have left after the other 10 got pulverized, you then proceed to drop a teleporter down. Now here is the most important part. 10 minutes prior to invading this planet, you should have set up 10 bot factories, creating boombots non stop. Now it takes 0:03 seconds to build one, so if you do some complicated calculations which i am too lazy to do, im guessing u should have 214353674 boom bots which you will proceed to queue them up to that teleporter, and on the other teleporter, which is on the invading planet, you need to set a area attack command, after doing that, you get to watch thousands of scary spiders blow up everything insight, its wonderful, and you've won a planet, you're welcome, have a goodnight, i love you.
The 'Load' Command can be used as an Area-Command for Astraeus'. Also you can set Factories to infinitely build with the 'L' Hotkey. SSX Lasers are useful in large numbers with a button of Fighters. I tend to create systems with plenty of spare small smashable moons. Umbrellas vs Orbital and Anchors vs Ground need nerfs (preferrably their damage as opposed to rate of fire, as lasers are pretty). Astraeus' and Fighters could use a HP buff too.
Throw 10 nuke around the landing zone then drop 1000 advanced units + fabs to the zone and you would win lol
So far I see the lack of methods to invade another planet as pathetic (ill forgive the game for now since its still in dev). We need more ways to invade another planet whether it be the unit cannon, multiunit transport or other methods. Just throwing an asteroid at the planet is not a good enough excuse for the lack of ways to invade an opponents planet. I remember hearing from the devs that multiunit transports are hard to code, but in a large scale game like this they are absolutely required. I hope to see more variety from the game when it comes to invading planets in the near future.
I really don't see how a multi-unit transport would make any difference. Just use an astraus swarm, area load a bunch of vanguards and drop it on their commander. Send avengers along as meat screen and help clear orbital layer. Granted I think it needs a HP buff, and maybe even a cost cut (though they can be built pretty dam fast now). unit cannon would really help with this though. Area loading kinda made the multi-unit transport idea kinda obsolete though. Would be nice to have it as a "heavy-insertion" role unit, where the astreus is a cheap light easily shot down version.
I fail to understand how this makes the idea of multi unit transports obsolete. This is a game where the player is supposed to build huge armies so why should I have to rely on transports which can just ferry a single unit at a time. Even if you have many single unit transports, a single multiunit transport would be able to drop more units at a time and thus allow you to transport a large army to the other planet much quicker. Imagine how many single unit transports you are going to need to transport a small or large army to another planet quickly, maybe I don't have the eco and time to build that many transports due to hosting multiple armies and fighting on multiple fronts. Even with the ferry feature you will only have a stream of units being dropped off at the enemy planet (which will allow them to pick off the army before the full army can even arrive), personally I want to have access to multi unit transports so I can transport larger amounts of units quickly and have the whole army there to break the enemy defences, I do not want to have to rely on swarms of multiunit transports to deliver an army quickly (Which will also need me to have more resources to build that swarm when I could be focusing on doing things like fortifying my base or building a larger army of offensive and defensive units).
Purely from a control aspect: It doesn't matter. Since you select x amount of transport that can carry x amounts of units, it's still only 1 command for them to load and unload or ferry. That's beautiful about area commands. All we need is for the price and build speed of the transport to make it worthwhile.
Indeed, trying to set up a beachhead currently is extremely tedious, wasteful and impossible if the enemy keeps and eye on the situation. If the enemy is entranced and you don't have a planet to smash then I would sooner recommend you drop 10 nukes on their head than trying to actually invade. In order to make invasion viable at all we at the very least need multi-unit orbital transports (which aren't that hard to do, actually), but ideally a unit cannon, because multi-unit transport can still be stopped by locking down the orbital layer.
Well.. the most tedious part is the actual landing. I would suggest that instead of landing the transporter to place a unit it releases the unit from the orbital layer. The unit falls down on the planet, bit like when using an unit canon. Also I would like to assign transporter to factories and select a drop-off point. The transporter picks up all build units and drops them of at the assigned location. This removes the tedious micromanagement when dealing with transporters.
I once sent ahead 15 adv. orbital radars to seek for the enemy commander on an extremely fortified moon base... The 15 radars vaporized in 4 seconds, but I was quick enough to spot the commander. I memorized the location, then gathered a thousand avengers and 50 orbital lasers and another 15 radars and sent them all to the exact same location. The moment they arrived, I ordered the lasers to shoot the commander. True story.
I'm sorry but I don't agree. It's pretty straight forward- you need *orbital* units.... Now it is possible to turtle up a planet to make this difficult- however if your invading a planet you have to have enough economy and production to match or outproduce your opponent. This is the same as if you were fighting them on the ground on the same planet. If your opponent is doing better than you then you won't be ably to successfully invade (unless your lucky).... The approach as Krispy said is lots of orbital fighters (I tend to throw up 3 or 4 orbital launchers and assist them making fighters) and a nice big group of orbital fabbers. If the area your attacking has umbrellas under it you need to deal with them first- so a few SXX are required. The SXX can be ordered to appear above it's target so your pretty much guaranteed to kill 1 umbrella with 1 SXX- hopefully a few SXX will survive to do more damage. Put each SXX in a control group, send a mass of fighters, then order each SXX to move above and attack 1 umbrella to clear a sufficient area. Once this has started send in the orbital fabbers and build Anchors- these will clear the ground and air layers. Finally drop a teleporter- you need to have a large force of units assigned to the teleporter on your planet- you can also set your factory rally to it so all units produced go straight through once activated. Open the gate on the other planet and remember to use your orbital fabbers to assist the teleporter once built (they have massive repair which helps prevent bombers killing it- the anchors will kill off any attackers). Swarm through with units. It's very much do-able however it does require you to have eco to do it. Invading other planets should be hard. I don't see the issue. If that doesn't work- well then you need to nuke or smash them. How many methods do you guys need?!
This replies are all great and everything, but there's another aspect to this - Galactic War. I'm playing on Normal difficulty and I attacked the planet with multiple commanders - bad idea. THe last one I simply couldn't take out. My tech was: -Efficient resources -SubCommander (acts as an allied commander) - Adv vehicles - Basic Orbital. That's it. I had no way to clear landing sites and had to land in empty spots. But when I landed he had trillions of planes which annihilated stuff when they found things. All I had were spinners that lived short lives. The AI of course also had lots of advanced tech which I didn't have. Once my attempts at beachheads had failed a few times it became impossible to create a new one - a single shot from a pelter could annihilate my advanced const vehicle.
cool story bra .... ... ... <<<< that there is the problem ... it may help you win the match butit`s boring