Random Planet Generation in Tournament Games??

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by kryovow, July 6, 2014.


What about Planet Generation for tournament and ladder games?

  1. Leave it as it is: Randomly and often slightly unfair, and sometimes heavily unfair

    1 vote(s)
  2. Introduce Symmetrical planes for starting planets both for terrain, metal and spawn points

    9 vote(s)
  1. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    yesterday I was part of 3v3 Weakest Link tournament.

    I dont want to complain!

    Within the tournament I won one game together with my team and lost 2.

    The game we won, we had quite good starting positions. The first game we lost, we had quite bad starting positions. And this even though the planets were predefined by the tournament hosts.

    The positions were not the reason we won or lost, but it's a factor, that noone can neglect.

    So my idea is: We need some kind of fair planet generation mechanism. I don't know if Uber is working on something like that, I could imagine the system generator is not finished yet, but I think an easy way for tournaments would be, to offer an option to have symmetric planet generations where also spawns are (nearly) symmetrical. I cant imagine this would be very hard. First the boundary conditions have to be defined where the symmetric plane will be, and then the rest can be filled. It's quite simple if you have a working planet generator I would say.

    I would really like such a thing for tournament and ladder games. Maybe it wont work out, but Uber should give it a try.

    What do you think?
    Last edited: July 6, 2014
  2. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Hi sorry the maps weren't great, we were trying to get more interesting terrain into the games rather than just moons (which are usually the accepted most balanced option for tourney maps).

    I believe symmetrical maps are planned exactly for this reason though.

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