Excellent job with the new icons!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Adoido, July 3, 2014.

  1. Adoido

    Adoido New Member

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    I think they are really intuitive and easy to read. Even in my first game with them I didn't feel confused at all!
    badfucatus and Pendaelose like this.
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    no seriously speaking they ARE way better, no more stupid re-sizing animation, no more re-sizing period, no more blur, transfer to pixel perfection, clear cut shapes.

    So much that I'm glad for.

    however I still have difficulty distinguishing tanks.
    Last edited: July 3, 2014
    Adoido likes this.
  3. Teod

    Teod Well-Known Member

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    I was just about to post in another thread...

    I like how sharp they are and I like that Uber dropped that "outline for T2" thing in favor of a little thingy at the bottom, but they still need some work.

    Firstly, I'd want to discuss some of the symbols used.
    long2.png This symbol and it's two-dotted variation are used to indicate longer range, which is ok, but I think it would be nicer to distinguish different types of range: Direct fire (snipers), artillery and rockets.
    arti.png We can all agree that his symbolizes elevated barrel. However, elevated barrel should stand for artillery, not for anti air.
    antiair.png This should be anti air. It's way more intuitive, because it points up, and looks like a plane-icon triangle.
    And, to avoid confusion between radar and AA:
    radar.png This should be radar. I think this is also a bit more intuitive symbol.
    Now, let's get back to the long range units:
    long.png For long range direct fire units it would be better instead of dots to use notches pointing up - they will be way easier to see. I would also suggest notches pointing down for short range (flame) units instead of a separate symbol.
    For tactical rocket units I suggest simple vertical line. This means we need to come up with better indicator for "anti orbital" which may or may not be ok as just a circle.
    And lastly:
    fabs.png This should be fabber and combat fabber. Full sized cross will help to distinguish fabbers in a crowd, leaving smaller symbol for field "medics".

    Second thing I would like to talk about is icon shapes and information overload.
    Some icons are larger or smaller than others, they have angles pointing up, or wide bottoms, or whatever, in addition to having often more than one symbol inside them. And I'm asking: Do we really need this? Do we really need all possible information about the unit to be jammed in there? It's projectile type and it's health and it's food preferences? And I'm leaning towards "no" here. The job of the icon is to help player to quickly remember what kind of unit he sees, not to explain that. It should be "that icon means inferno, which I remember is T1 high damage, low range, slow, heavy armored tank", not "That icon tells me that this is a tank that shoots flames, has high armor but slow speed and belongs to T1". The connection between unit and it's icon should be as short, simple and intuitive as possible, even if it comes at a cost of losing connection between unit's properties and it's icon.
    This is also why I think that even if you have a formula for creating icons, sometimes it's better to deviate from it. Example: laser towers. Their icons may represent their functionality well, but they are not nearly as intuitive as buildings themselves are. Now look:
    guns.png 1, 2, 3, done. It's instantly understandable as one, two and three barrels, like on those towers. And it's better than what we have, even if our "formula" doesn't have place for multiple copies of one symbol in an icon. Same goes for some other stuff. Nukes, for instance - they did come up with a unique symbol for them (despite that symbol not being a direct reference to nuke), sure, but do we really need that "long range" indicator?
    Last edited: July 3, 2014
    melhem19, NERDsEd, polaris173 and 4 others like this.
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  5. Teod

    Teod Well-Known Member

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  6. wstxbb

    wstxbb Member

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    I need sometime to get use to them and remember them. Maybe there could be an option in setting to change the style of the ion. So people can choose the one they like.
  7. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I think the icons are an improvement, but Teod really nails how they can be made even better. The only one I'd be cautious on is the AA icon, because AA is used on fighters too and a triangle within a triangle can be harder to see.

    For direct fire cannon units I'd just drop the symbol altogether. It will make other units stand out better and improve readability of crowds. I'd add Hummingbirds to that list too.
    Last edited: July 3, 2014
    gtf50 likes this.
  8. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    "If you guys finalize your ideas and send them to me i'll make you an icon pack to your liking"
  9. Teod

    Teod Well-Known Member

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    I don't think I can finalize it right now. Those were just a couple of ideas.
  10. damnhippie

    damnhippie Active Member

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    It's definitely a good few steps in the right direction.
  11. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    I like the new Icons, save for a few minor details.

    I prefer the "Double ring" of the old T2 icons over the little arrow we have now, and I don't like how there are different shapes for different units (the inferno's icon compared to the ant, for instance). I prefer uniformity among unit types.
  12. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    They are nice, but i'm finding it hard to differentiate between units quickly.

    For example a huge one is tanks vs infernos.
  13. stonewood1612

    stonewood1612 Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, they're better, but there so pixelated... They were already before, but they now only have 1 pixel thin outline. I hope they add a small transition between the outline and the color, so they are much prettier. Depth is wanted. A small tint brighter for the top and a small tint darker for the bottom of the main color.

    And double resolution retina support heavily wanted :)
  14. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    It is difficult to tell the difference between T1 and T2 from a quick glance
  15. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    T2 aircraft are alright, as the triangle is bigger and has a different bottom to it.
  16. zhaii

    zhaii Active Member

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    I'd love to see them, but the server was derping last night
  17. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I'd like fabbers to be more clearly differentiated from combat units. Perhaps a different colour symbol? Transparent Strategic Icons gives them a different colour outline, which works great.

    New icons are a vast improvement though. Played some games and it was so much easier to tell stuff apart.
  18. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Well I've been coming up with some of my own icons, how would this look?

    2014-07-03 19.20.50.png

    + means fabricator, _ means direct fire, a • dictates range, a ^ means anti-air, ) at the bottom means it shoots in an arch, and finally the ○ means it has an aoe or explodes on contact I suppose.
  19. nick2k

    nick2k Active Member

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    So.. if anyone has the old icons please send me them :D
  20. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Really nice clean icons, big fan. first uber icons i will use since september
    Quitch likes this.

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