Huh, I've never used that then. If that's the case, it should be pretty easy to make modifed click-drag have user settable behaviors.
I'm almost certain that it can, because I'm pretty sure it already does; shift-click drag is XOR with the current selection IIRC. EDIT: Ninja'd. And maybe I had the wrong modifier key?
I know it's low priority, but please make all the modifiers easily modable. Right now it's usually a matter of replacing big gnarly javascript functions.
Umm, not sure if just a bug on my end, but when I have a bunch of things selected, and I shift click on one of them, I can't unselect it. Not sure if I ever could now that I think about it. CAN I HAZ?
Selective de-select on units has never worked to my knowledge. You can do it through the unit selection bar, but not on the strategic icons/units.
Thanks for letting me know Garat. Well, the only time I would love to have it is when, for example, I want to change the build queue on all my vehicle factories, except for that one which is pumping out fabbers all day every day. The fastest way to do this in this case would be double click to select all, and then shift click to unselect that one. Currently I have to shift click and select them individually. I know there's a lot on your plate, but if you find this feature reasonably doable, I'd love to have it. If not, we can live without it I'm sure.
Had the game not selectable to end at the end of a GW game and before returning to galactic map. LUCKILY it in fact didn't make me replay, I could collect tech and continue. Did you try f5 to reload UI? That sometimes reloads with visuals restored. I second this. Things I want: -When you drag a selection you select things in selection. When you hold shift and drag selection, you select more, but if you select already selected and then drag back off, previously selected by 1st drag are now unselected once 2nd one covered and uncovered them. Think icons on windows desktop. You drag select your desktop. You shift drag half your desktop, then undrag after before release. Half your desktop becomes unselected. -When you shift click something, it selects it, if you ever shift click something that already is selected you unselect it.
It seems that the fps have droped abit in this PTE build. On earth like planets I see below 60fps now, didnt see that in the earlyer PTE's
Yep, if I am not completely mistaken this kind of behaviour is already in the game Also, i think I worded my post a bit badly: I wasn't really talking about adding UI elements but in fact I wanted what @cptconundrum proposed: Drag to select combat units, Ctrl+Drag to select fabbers Edit: Uh, oh.... seems like I forgot refreshing the page
as far as i'm concerned, i'm really impressed by the improvements made from a performance perspective on the client side. probably because i have a gtx 770, the limiting factor to me is clearly the simulation on server side. With ~2000 units in game, and using replay, i was at ~15 fps. hopefully, there's still room for improvement on the client side
Brian, and anyone honestly - Please don't get upset when we call you on not disabling mods. Server side mods can break things as readily as client side. This particular build has a number of data format changes. So when I post "disable all mods", I'm not kidding. I spent two hours tracking down mac issues based on that report, and that's time not spent on real issues. So while not angry, if you're willing to help us on PTE, please help out by following all instructions on what constitutes a valid bug. It helps all of us get the real bugs stomped. Two hours of lost time is time none of us can afford right now - we want to deliver the best possible game we can to you all, and that means staying focused on tracking real issues. IF I think a build is safe just for one type of mod or the other, I'll call it out as "just disable X mods", but those will be rare, unless it is a hyper focused mini-patch.
True, but beside the point. When testing a brand new build, almost all mods break things, so using --nomods is highly recommended if you need a quick way to do it.
Quite honestly I consider this a pretty bad bug. Currently the game asks you to count your units before you make the box. You can't seriously consider that useful. If you think somebody likes this, make it an option. But PLEASE go back to the system that has been proven by FA. Additionally having a modifier key to reverse it sounds like a cool idea.
This is really getting better! Played three games (two short and one long against AI) Still experienced some fabbers got stuck sometimes, between walls and near those edgy cracks. The FPS is good, even late game when i spam planes and orbit fighters all around the planet! I like the new icons btw. Keep up the good work!
You get fighters. Always. To select workers only box workers. Also transports are not included with fighters.