Is it happen multiple times or not? Your system info is fine, but this build clearly crash mid-game for some players on Windows. Can you as well try to run PTE and check if it's crashes too or not?
I personally know oxdyfoc and I have been helping him find ways to attempt to fix the crashes. He's new to posting on forum websites, so I was just going to give you a reply. We've updated all drivers, installed .dll files, and quite a few other things. We basically tried all the solutions he and I could find on previous form posts about the same problem. The PTE solution suggested didn't work either. The crash occurs at random times during play. For example, once it crashed as soon as the view of the planet came up before picking a spawn point, and another time it crashed twenty to thirty minutes into game play. We are really out of options and ideas on how to fix this. Regardless of the outcome of the support you give us. We are still thankful that you took time to help us out.
Here is possible reason of why it's crash: Code: ------------- Sound Devices ------------- Description: Headset Earphone (4- Afterglow Universal Wireless Gaming Headset) Default Sound Playback: Yes I started tracking of such issues with "random" in-game crashes for quite some time (task on bugtracker is PA#3738), but there is two guys who find out that game crashed for them due to headset usage: So please try to disconnect headset completely and make testing of stable/PTE wituout it. There is pretty high change that it's what cause your problem as well.
Any chance you can upload one crash dump for me? E.g just make game crash, check for log and find crash dump name. Thanks.
Don't worry about that. Most likely it's just specific of this crash so there is not always crash dumps. I already reported problem to devs so hopefully they'll able to fix it.