Can you see why he is saying this?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Trisdino, June 29, 2014.

  1. aevs

    aevs Post Master General

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    This is blatantly false.
    You only have to look at a can of soup, a package of cigarettes, a bottle of painkillers, some household cleaners, the packaging of any children's toy,the tag on your shirt or any other software package to see why. What you've effectively said is "no company should be obligated to give you [information about what you're buying]", which is almost comical. There are laws and regulations regarding software packaging and labeling as well, if you weren't aware. An example would be listing the minimum system requirements to run a software package.
    When you sell a product on a shelf, it should be clear what the requirements and limitations are (currently needs to use Uber's dedicated servers, always-online play is an example). I'm not saying that this edition doesn't have that listed on the back, I trust that it would have something of the sort. I just get annoyed by the ridiculous overuse of caveat emptor I've seen thrown about in this thread.
  2. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    The market balances itself. That's how a free market economy WORKS. If the market (aka, a lot of consumers) want that information on their packaging, they'll start buying from the companies that tell the truth up-front. The ones that keep their cards close to the chest at the expense of the consumer either adapt or die slowly.
    Companies shouldn't be obligated because YOU SHOULD THINK FOR YOURSELF. I do not care what your IQ is. Your childhood ought to have taught you how to FIGURE IT OUT on your own, without any assistance from the government or your grandma.

    The masses can whine and complain all they want. Smart businessmen watch how the numbers move, not what the people say. That's what analysts trying to predict the market do - and most get it wrong.

    Is it a good idea to be courteous to the customer and note that, "HEY! THIS REQUIRES DRM!" ?

    Yes. Would it get us more customers to buy the material? No.
    Would it get us more customers to REFER the material to others? Yes.

    It depends on if you are looking short or long term. Take your pick.
  3. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Maybe in a perfect world where people did thier research and didn't get dragged along by marketing this would be true, but sadly that's not the world we live in is it?

    matizpl and igncom1 like this.
  4. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    That's the trick. The stupid people only SLOW IT DOWN. They don't halt the ruthless advance of market economics. Sure, the idiots still buy from the brands who lie to the consumer (after all, why does EA still exist?), but after a while, it takes its toll.
  5. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    there is absolutely no difference between early access through steam or buying the boxed copy. none
    i ordered on steam along time ago right before beta started and i knew that i would be getting the theta commander, if you buy the boxed version you get a special commander.

    if this is what TB is bitching about, then geez he needs to get a life. every company has the right to make money and choose how they make it. there is no master scheme at foot here its just a limited time offer to pull more people in.

    seriously, is he going to blow a gasket if milk goes on sell in limited time special container. grow up already.

    i don't follow or pay any mind to TB, because his insight on new games is worthless to me. when did forming your own opinion on a game become illegal?
  6. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    It's not illegal. Just irresponsible. TB is currently exhibiting the many reasons my parents do not have a favorable view towards video game players in general.
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Is there any evidence of it taking it's toll thought? the things is that it's not an inevitable change that is GOING to happen, as long as companies can make a profit off of the "stupid people" they don't need to change and if they don't need to change, they won't.

    It seems even with Kickstarter stuff we can't escape this cycle.

  8. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    .................................Having your own opinion is irresponsible?


    I...................just.................that is retarded.
    aevs and shotforce13 like this.
  9. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    well im glad i can be an adult toward gaming then, and enjoy games for thier true purpose "entertainment"
    one of my main reason for being here is " this is by far one of the best communities i have ever seen.
    mered4 likes this.
  10. elonshadow

    elonshadow Active Member

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    Of course it isn't. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if that opinion is to be a prat :p.

    But everyone else is also entitled to their opinion, even if that opinion is considering someone to be a prat ;).
  11. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    But still that comment kinda shocked me, that people honestly believe having their own opinion is irresponsible.
  12. elonshadow

    elonshadow Active Member

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    I somewhat agree, then again a lot of leaders would like their people not to have their own opinions. We call these tyrants :)

    Edit: I somewhat agree that I was shocked (that wasn't at all clear)
    Last edited: June 30, 2014
  13. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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  14. aevs

    aevs Post Master General

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    That's some extreme idealist philosophy you've got there. Tell me more about this free market of yours, and how perfectly it works without regulations for things like consumer protection. Tell me about how "the stupid people slow it down", about how we should all be able to thoroughly investigate the details of every product we ever use without regulations requiring the inclusion of important product information on the label or otherwise readily available alongside the product. I'm sure you do that, right? Because looking up all product information online is such a simple and seamless task. Or by phone, since, you know, it was never specified just how the information needs to be made available. And of course the market would balance itself out! There's no way a few mega corporations could garner control over entire industries and collectively neglect to list any potentially negative product information directly, so that you are forced to go through some obfuscated channel in order to gather said information. It's not like there are costs associated with informing the public anyway, right? There are obviously no advantages to avoiding it either. And surely there would be no way to exploit this lack of regulation by specifically neglecting to list potential hazards which may not be immediately apparent to consumers. And of course, "smart people" are immune to issues like "bias".
    /highly sarcastic, offtopic rant

    Seriously though, that's incredibly ignorant. Regulations and entities such as the FDA exist for a reason.
    Last edited: June 30, 2014
    Zblub and Schemya like this.
  15. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    This extreme idealist philosophy happens to be held by over 60% of the US population, and also by pretty much every true free market economist with a PHD out there. Europe doesn't have many of those. :D

    Um. Looking it up is seamless and simple. Seriously, man. All it takes is looking at a few different reviews, See something suspicious? Look deeper. It goes downhill from there till a phone call to the manufacturer.

    No one is immune to bias. Why the hell does bias matter in a marketplace filled with everyone? It smooths itself out over time. IF you give it that time and don't have a panic attack about some stupid crisis. OH MY GOD THERE ARE 5% MORE HOMELESS PEOPLE! WE NEED TO FIGHT POVERTY NOW!
    a year later, there's 5% less homeless people and 50% more regulation and spending, as well as 5% more of my income that I EARNED going towards welfare. I don't think so. Let the market run its course, and watch everything fix itself over time. It's the best system for free trade ever invented because it mimics nature - there is a balance that it always leans to.

    Incredibly ignorant? Those are the people who don't take the time to FIGURE IT OUT FOR THEMSELVES.
    Those people are why the United States of America is dropping like a rock from a cliff.

    Again. If the CONSUMER wants protection, they'll PAY FOR IT. They do NOT need it forced down their throats. This might SOUND insane, but it's why my household owns guns and shakes our head at the people who are belligerent about having none. They aren't making the choice to protect themselves.

    It's ironic - especially in cars - the things that make us SAFE are also the things that make our creations less efficient. And during the global warming fiasco (even still Obama holds to that lie), governments around the world suppressed inefficient tech in favor of less effective tech - which happened to be partly caused by seat belts and airbags.

    Did you know that many cars were made of steel before the regulations on seat belts and air bags? The frame was super strong. It wouldn't just crumple up. Now, cars are mostly made with aluminum to lighten their weight, at the cost of safety.

    Anyone who throws out the word extreme so flippantly like you just did really should be rethinking their opinions. The only people who use the words radical or extremist are either scared of something or suppressing someone, as history proves. Don't gawk at me like that. Look it up for yourself.
  16. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    The cycle is the interesting picture. it LOOKS indefinite - but EA is breaking theirs, right? That's a big maybe, I know.
    That cycle is why the Great Depression was labeled a failure of capitalism - people thought it had truly failed, when what had really happened was a massive buildup of pressure before the releasing of the floodgates. Trusting in the system is something that is VERY difficult to do during hard times. Mostly because we see those companies and we say NO! THAT'S WRONG YOU *&%^@! And that's what TB did here. But in this case, he's misleading his viewers with a general statement that hurts more people than it helps.
  17. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I didn't mean for that to come across as someone HAVING their own opinion is irresponsible, only that letting it drive your emotions to the point that you just rage all over the place with little self-control is irresponsible.
  18. aevs

    aevs Post Master General

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    Schemya and igncom1 like this.
  19. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Not that you are dealing with machines here either.

    Humans are creatures and beasts, not calculators, and shouldn't be expected to behave as much.
  20. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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