Hey, we are two PA players from Argentina. But we are experiencing huge amounts of lag, and I think it's Server-related. We're running PA (Galactic v. 67523) in Windows Debug info is reporting that: - Client is running at 35FPS (minimum) (we both have good PCs) - Server is running at 1FPS. We tried playing with European West servers and with US Central. Is there anything we can do? Thanks!
Hmm, the server will release for players on release. Players can basically play "single player" on their own computer at that time. That is supposed to be later in 2014. I am limited to that, I am not sure if there is anything else I am missing that could help latency, possibly by distance. Is it large games or simple small AI small planet games? A lot of people get 8fps, down to 4fps real late game with thousands of units. I don't know anyone get 1fps serverside.
We were playing a 2v2v2 with 4 AIs. We know about the stand-alone server release, but just wanted to know if it was a "normal/expected/known" issue. Thanks for the quick response!
Server should always run at 1FPS, it's pertty normal. You need to press Ctrl+P once again and check simulation performance that have to be 10FPS. If sim performance is below 8-9FPS then you have a problem.
If you play with AI it's usually AI which is too CPU-intensive. Though simulation run on remote servers so you can't do anything about that.
yes i believe Varrak said in his last post about optimizations that one AI uses as much procesing power as 3-4 average players, so it is not that strange that the server lags if it needs to simulate about 10 players worth of data