I think it should be called the Ant temporarily at least since the Ant was named the Unit Cannon for a time
It's times like this that make me miss Carlorizzante. Considering he thought renaming the tank the unit cannon was a terrible move by Uber, it'd be fun to see him react to this.
Heh, raevn found it not long after it was added. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/pte-stream-67998.61291/ Good luck trying to keep easter eggs secret for long.
Perhaps this is related? - Marc Scattergood (@garatnw) https://twitter.com/garatnw/statuses/482190461155565568
Sorry, can't claim that one. There is actually a few other minor changes to the model - I didn't have the textures on when I was looking at it. This is awesome