My apologies if this has been suggested before but i had a bit of a random thought on multiple planets and early orbital expansion ... so the thought of this is to provide the option to players to gain metal from a planets orbit instead of forcefully having to land on them but of course not without drawbacks ... how i imagine those orbital mexxes to work is simply having those stationary float in the orbital layer and opticaly be linked through a visual line in the form of a tractorbeam or reclaimlathe to the metaldeposit the Mex floats above ... the thing is those mexxes arent neccesarily as effective as their surface counterparts and maybe for balance reasons should require energy as well, additionaly they would block the player from adding surfacemexxes unless the orbital mex is removed in some way or just destroyed ... i could see this adding to strategy and more orbital gameplay like some players wish ... it could work with solararrays and orbital bases as you could capture a planets resources while with the expence of ultimatly gaining less metal out of a planet compared to when you actualy land on the planet but still denying them to the enemy as he would have to destroy them through antiorbital means first before he could get access to metal himself or capture them ... i thought it would be at least something to try for a mod with more focus on orbital or a more sins of the solar empire like-ish experience ... what you think of it?
I hate orbital power generators enough. The idea is to keep stuff on the ground, not create space ships by any other name.
this is not meant to be in vanila, hence why it´s in the mod section and why i asked it to be tried as such first aswell as in combination with mods that focus more on orbital in the future ...
It's an interesting idea. It could make some interesting mod material... for example a large ship you dock in orbit around an enemy planet, it targets all visible metal points, destroys the extractors if needed, and begins leaching metal at a slow rate for each point it can see. It would be an interesting way to begin a siege.
There is a mine that gives you resources too, I've seen it, must only be in the older versions of the game. One second!
Alright, wanted you to get the alert, this is in my older Alpha version's files: Code: {"base_spec":"/pa/units/orbital/base_orbital/base_orbital.json","unit_name":"Mining Platform","display_name":"Mining Platform","description":"Mining Platform: Extract metal from asteroid fields, metal planets.","max_health":3750,"build_metal_cost":19500,"production":{"metal":75},"unit_types":["UNITTYPE_Mobile","UNITTYPE_Orbital","UNITTYPE_EnergyProduction","UNITTYPE_Economy","UNITTYPE_Advanced"],"command_caps":["ORDER_Move","ORDER_Patrol","ORDER_Assist"],"navigation":{"type":"orbital","acceleration":1,"brake":100,"move_speed":10,"turn_speed":90,"dodge_radius":10,"dodge_multiplier":1.0,"wobble_factor":0.001,"wobble_speed":0.1,"hover_time":-1.0},"physics":{"radius":10,"push_class":15,"gravity_scalar":0.001,"air_friction":0.5},"model":{"filename":"/pa/units/orbital/radar_satellite/radar_satellite.papa"},"events":{"build_complete":{"audio_cue":"/SE/Build_Complete/air"},"firing":{"audio_cue":"/SE/Weapons/air/bomber_fire"},"died":{"audio_cue":"/SE/Death/Air","effect_spec":"/pa/effects/specs/default_explosion.json"}},"TEMP_texelinfo":5.39039}
source? no, my opinion about orbital in vanilla/ladder- and competitiv multiplayermatches still aplies this is a mere compromise/idea/option for players that want a more orbital focused experience with mods
First one wasn't me, just saying. Why make the distinction? (and it doesn't really change the focus as I've argued multiple times)
how would it not? because of the commander? single planetmatches? this obviously is ment for multiplanetmatches but still would have a use in singleplanetmatches aswell ... it´s an orbital structure with all advantages orbital structures have ... it would/should lock the player being able to build mexxes on the surface were metaldeposits have the orbital version on them ... though at the expence of getting less out of that mex than surface t1 + t2 mexxes and eventualy needing power to run it aswell (that is at least the idea) ... anything that isn´t antiorbital is useless against those orbital mexxes ... in which case in order to capture or destroy them the opposing player (unless there were mobile surface antiorbitalunits) would have to go orbital himself with avangers as umbrelas or current anchors would be not as helpfull why make the distinction? i actualy answered it before this is a suggestion for modders to eventualy make for players that like orbital to be more involved or even become more the focus of a game .. vanila focuses on surfacebattles which is what the silent majority of players actualy want, bring in supcom fa orbital warsmod-like orbital battles and you would drastically change overall gameplay, pace and gamefeel and risking units to likely become redundand ...
Hell, if your going to try and mod in more orbital battle stuff, I'm in support! Is your goat to lift the games focus of combat entirely into the orbital layer, or do you have a different plan?
first off i am not a modder so far i only thought about what could be done with orbital mexxes .. combined with other orbital structures and the way i envisioned them how to work you would have imo a strategic choice weither to colonise a planet entirely and throw in full production capacity in resources and unitbuilding or if you just want a sort of orbital outpost that is not as effective but allows you for more territorial control faster ... you would not neccesarily control the surface beneath it but you have orbital territory control and the metaldeposits with build on orbital mexxes ...
Sorry, I was saying in regards to this thread: That wasn't obvious at all, my bad. Also, I still don't think that shifts the view at all, it just adds more stuff to the game. It's like saying naval metal extractors shift the view to naval too much.
I don't see much sense in extracting metal from the bowels of the earth from orbit, it doesn't seem so pratical, it also would force you to build orbital stuff just to stop this. But I do think Naval extractors are cool