At the moment you must enable server mods in the browser for server mods to be seen, this makes it so modded games are very rarely seen/played without inviting people yourself. How would you prefer mods be shown on the server list?
They way it is is best for the moment. You wouldn't want a new player to hop into a modded game without knowing. When server mods become more of a thing I am sure Uber will make a proper system. For now its just a temporary bodge.
I personally would like server mod games to be shown in a different colour with a clear tag saying 'modded' so people are aware that it's different.
I think that server mods should automatically be shown but in a different category. In the browser you have a heading that says "Games with no server mods" and then lists the games without mods, after that there is a small space and then another heading that says "Games with server mods" and then lists the server mod games, that way modded games are always shown, but you must scroll down to see them, also a different colored selection box for a modded game and some info as to what mods are active would be nice too.
Personally, I would rather see modded games be clearly visible at the start, however with an obvious label, or different text colouring in order to ensure that people get to see that they are in for a different experience. However, I do not believe that it should be that way right now. A lot of mods are still very buggy, and there is an awful lot of work still to go. It is far better that mods are only restricted to those who search for them at the moment and this restriction can be relaxed later. I know some people have got this idea in their head that their mod is going to "hit it big", and that they should start promoting their work in order to build a fan-base. With all due respect, this really isn't the best way to do things. Modders simply need to do the best work they can, and then allow their fan-base to grow naturally when they have something that's worth releasing. There will be plenty of opportunity to do promoting when Uber implements their mod-marketplace, or whatever they decide to call it. Also, people really need to learn the value of forum polls. Which at the moment is pretty much diddly squat.
Nicely said, and very true! At the moment a lot of mods are pretty incomplete, and people joining with the thoughts that they are would be unaware of that fact. It would be nice in the future to see them on the same list, and right now it would be a lot easier to get testers to help out if all mods were shown straight up, but a lot of people wouldn't want to unknowingly just test out a possibly broken mod. I realize that polls on here don't really mean much, as there's a huge amount of players that don't come onto the forums with their own set opinions on the matter, but I enjoy seeing what people think in regards to what I've thought about. I don't even vote on my own polls.