I'm getting noticeable UI lag all the time, I never had it before except maybe intermittent under heavy load. Tested with --nomods.
Unit build icons not appearing in hover panel (live_game_world_popup, I think) in Galactic War. Regular multiplayer mode seems okay. Code: -1 14:06:48.036955 W | PID: 11385 | -1 14:06:47.973416 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units//pa/units/commanders/imperial_invictus/.png with internal id 2137 reported FAIL Repeated many times.
Im getting substantial UI lag too. There has been some UI lag before, but not this bad. Performance is otherwise better than in current stable, but when I click any mouse button my FPS drops from ~35 to 1 fps for a second. Also mouse cursor changes to black square and pop up icons disappear after a few minutes in game. They do not come back until you restart the game.
The control module is interesting; I wonder what it will be used for... perhaps a new game mode? Also: <out of order sign on the unit cannon>
Can someone post a screenshot of the Unit Cannon wreckage with a tank for scale? Haven't gotten around to downloading the PTE yet -_- Maybe it's coming soon (normal people soon, not Uber Soon! ) The control module will probably for the death stars??
The new orbital icons are too large, seems misplaced. other than that the other unit icons looks good.
Awesome, select by id is the best bit, except maybe the hint that they're working on metal planet superweapons. I wonder how select by id performs when the user is using the ui at the same time, it might be quick enough to avoid most of the glitches without having to code anything.
Significant work has gone in to decreasing "UI lag", so you're going to carefully articulate what you mean for us to work on it. Something that looks like, "When I do X, Y happens."
UI Lag: What you're probably seeing - and we're seeing it to, is on mouse click. This should be resolved internally by the end of the day, and I'll push a new PTE stream when it's ready - today or tomorrow.
No UI lag for me. I really like the new icons, I can finally tell the difference between a fighter and a bomber! There are a few which could be a bit more unique like that the Nuke & Anti-Nuke. The Orbital icons are also a bit of a nuisance as they overlap each other and it is really hard to pick out what is in a stack. There are a few buggy icons where you don't get the double outline for the T2 variant (not tested naval yet) e.g. Gil-E Bluehawk Kestral Horney Pelican Vanguard Sheller The description text overlaps on some with longer descriptions.
I did not see any UI lag in the latest game I played. When selecting a engineer there is a slight delay before the build menu pops up. cant quit game, have to close it from the tasklist. (win8.1)
I'll look more when I get home. Some of it is keyboard, e.g. Changing from metal to power in initial build there is a lag before the build outline changed
Most of this lag should be transient. We're in the process of changing a ton of how our UI, input and other things are handled. Once that's done, we can re-analyze and determine where the bugs exist. Most of this is because it's "in progress" stuff that isn't quite ready yet. But it had been a bit since a PTE build, so wanted to get you all something to play with.
Some really cool stuff in here, it's also interesting that there's a little bit of work done on the Unit Cannon and it's wreckage shows up on some planets? COULD THIS MEAN THAT-- No, probably not. Also, I wonder what that control module thing is. Looks like it might be a decal for metal planets rather than a structure. Also also, YAY START TIMER!!
Mouse click is only part of the problem for me. Mousing over icons in build menus also causes lag (the UI reacts a noticeable chunk of a second later), and box selections do as well (and can also cause client framerate to plummet for short spurts). mouse click is probably just as bad though; if I have units selected and left click away to de-select them, there's a good chance the game will freeze for a split second, framerate will drop momentarily, etc. (for the record, I otherwise get pretty good frames in-game)
Trying to move large numbers of air units seems to send them on a planetary patrol...ie: they go all over the place and not where I am right clicking.
Hey Guys, I tried to give the new PTE a go last night. Ran fine except I could only select the US Server. For this reason my lag was through the roof. game still ran fine though. From memory with past PTE builds i've been able to select other regions? I might be remembering that incorrectly but I'm pretty sure I could. This also might already be fixed. If it is then my bad and you can ignore this post Cheers, -Todd
Some comparative shots for the new naval models of the catapult, orbital launcher, ion defense and deep space radar (I think the deep space radar one is new anyway) And after 80 billion years of generating moon and metal planets I have come to the conclusion that the unit cannon wreckage is either really rare or doesn't actually appear.
Try metal planets with radius 600. IIRC there's a small chance thy will appear, buy only on planets of radius 600-650.