I've been looking all night for the solution for this. Ive looked through every thread i can find and im pretty sure it has something to do with my drivers. My laptop has "Custom Drivers" so i cant update them from 2012. - Yes i have tried to update it from the site - Yes i have tried updating it automatically - Yes i have all my latest updates - Yes i have all my latest drivers (2012 doesnt seem very recent... says drivers are up to date) - No I dont believe i have my latest drivers, my computer tells me otherwise - Yes i have 8gb of RAM I dont know whats wrong, its killing me. Luckily i only spent 17 bucks, but seriously? I know its in alpha, but come on. - I can load the game just fine - Going into a new game works - I can go to the different solar system things (Where you download new data or whatever) - When i click fight, it brings me to a blank screen and crashes. Once i got this error: "The instruction at 0xed2fc3b9 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be written." So yeah, dunno. DirectX is all good, Java and other windows updates are updated. Please help! EDIT: FYI all the settings are low, using smallest system settings Tried once on multiplayer with an AI, it loaded one frame of a completely black planet, and when i clicked after a few minutes it crashed.
I have exactly the same problem. edit: with the exception that I'm using a desktop. I have the most recent video card drivers.
@kaorti no you don't if however your system thinks so you should try fully deleting older drivers than reinstaling newer ones form here for removing your video drivers you can use http://www.guru3d.com/content_page/guru3d_driver_sweeper.html make sure to only remove video drivers though
@hexictoast for you i suggest the same approach, annihilate those old drivers first and then do a clean install of the latest drivers
Alright so i can click play without it crashing. Good signs all around. It says "Approaching star system", and has yet to go beyond that... (This is my first attempt)
I've updated my computer according to the instructions above. Last night, it looked like everything was fine, but this evening, I'm in the same state as the OP again. I start a game, get the login successful message, then the game starts loading and seems to hang. Eventually the loading icon disappears. If I click anywhere, the game hangs, and I get the PA.exe has stopped working message.
Update: Loading a system is always slow, but it looks like the game only crashes on systems with more than just the single planet. Would that be a hardware issue?
Run game in windowed mode and check PA.exe memory usage. Large planets can use up to 2.5GB RAM each while you only have 4GB in total.
I created a game using the Forksall system (one metal planet, one moon) in windowed mode. I have previously had trouble with anything more than a single planet. The game hung briefly, but recovered. At game creation, PA.exe was using roughly 1.7 gigs of memory. There were also quite a few instances of Coherent UI running the the process window. I had forgotten to leave my headphone jack in, so the entire game ran without sound. I'm not sure if that would have any impact.