Normal might as well be easy- in fact... it used to be the easy! But yeah, console commands could be fun!
Cheats for single player exist. At least, to some degree. You can bend your economy to have more during a game. You can even copy-paste units with a server mod. All it takes, is going into your PA folder /stockmods, and enabling your stock mods.
Install the mod manager PAMM: It should set you up with default server mods for you. Go on the server mods tab to see them: Click on the circle next to whatever you want to enable, when it's blue it's enabled the next time you create a multiplayer game. Allow create unit probably works by selecting a unit, ctrl+c to copy, then ctrl+v to paste.
if people are alowed to use cheats in SPGW they shall not be able to unlock any perk in that playthrough
As far as easy mode goes, normal = easy. There used to be an easy mode, but it was renamed to normal because... ... ... idontf*ckinknow