Hey guys, recommended mods?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by deliqa, June 24, 2014.

  1. deliqa

    deliqa New Member

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    Hey guys, new player here, I absolutely love the game eventhough I've encounted quite a few bugs my very first game lasted more than 4 hours, due to not updated video card drivers I didn't know how the game actually looks so I was playing in a dark planet(turns out the surface was not displayed and bugged all the time)
    My soldiers were stuck in different places without me able to move them out of the place, eventually I had like 200-300 units stuck all around on map and barely movable map.

    Anyways to the point, I saw game play videos on youtube, it turns out everyone plays with mods and it's barely the same game I'm playing right now, UNLESS of course I'm doing it wrong, which is highly likely.

    So what are the most recommended mods to have, I really am not looking to change the game it self, but only the helping improve the current state of things.

    I've went through few guides and found out that hotbuild2 is a very good mod and is highly suggested.

    So yeah are there anymore of mods I should get to improve the game play?

    TL:DR: What are the best mods that do not change the game but help playing it in current state
    You may also toss in some suggestion or whatever info you feel maybe is helpful for new players, I'm pretty sure there are plenty more - not just me ;)

    Thanks in advance!

    p.s. How the heck do I build more than 1 per click units or is it a mod too?
    cdrkf likes this.
  2. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    Hold shift when you click, 5 units get added instead of 1. There's also the infinite build button to the right, which repeats whatever you queue up infinitely. There is a mod which adds 100 units with shift click instead of 5, but it's incompatible with hotbuild2 afaik.

    Some other mods to recommend:
    PA Stats - Record stats from your games, so you can browse stats from old games like this: http://pastats.com/chart?gameId=168105
    Unit Database - A database of all the units available from the main menu. Things like speed, range, DPS, etc
    include KO Deferred - Speeds up the UI
    Lots of personal preference mods that you'll need to make your own mind up on, like different sets of strategic icons, changing things like the colour of build lathes etc
    Hotfixes to fix some

    Install the mod manager PAMM from here: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/wip-pa-mod-manager-crossplatform-version-with-atom-shell.59992/

    Then you can look at all the mods yourself. The UI mods are the ones that don't alter the game, server mods change the game.
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  3. deliqa

    deliqa New Member

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    Thanks a lot for the answers, that mod manager is sure comes handy too.
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    aw common : https://forums.uberent.com/threads/...hos-who-thread-about-mods-67523-update.57013/ :(

    what do I have to do around here to get people not to miss my thread?
    it is?
  5. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    I miss a lot on the forums, tend to see stuff on the main page. If it's something I want to pay attention to I watch it, godsend.

    I heard about incompatability through the grapevine. If it works then great, clopse said it was incompatible but that may only have been true a long time ago.
  6. deliqa

    deliqa New Member

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    Haha thanks and sorry, I'll be sure to check it out as well when I'm home, I guess I'm just too excited that I found a game I actually like, it's been like half a year I didn't play anything, just did a quick look around and haven't found anything.

    Anyways thanks again will lurk around it today!
  7. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    UI Mods I recommend:
    commander HUD - tracks your commanders HP
    Auto Factory: queues up units in idle factories if your economy allows it
    Economy UI: Allows you to pause all factores/fabbers/commanders with a click on 1 button
    Autoselect commander
    Advanced planet details
    Pa stats online
    return to server browser
    include KO deffered

    Server Mods I recommend:
    Cliff planets
    If you are unhappy about the current balance or you dislike direct upgrades, check signature.

    EDIT: I meant Advanced planet details not enhanced system preview :p
    Last edited: June 25, 2014
  8. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    All good options, I personally think the System Sharing mod is one of the best- allows you to share good systems, and download ones other people have made.

    There are some great systems available with much better balance than the auto generated ones.
  9. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Enhanced system preview has been broken since the start of gamme and does nothing. :eek:

    I have plans to fix it some day and it doesn't break the game, so if you leave it on you'll get the update if I ever get back to it.
  10. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    That means I have again mixed up Advanced planet details with enhanced system preview :p
    PeggleFrank and cptconundrum like this.
  11. deliqa

    deliqa New Member

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    Bah, Installed few mods and the game is always stuck on generating planets.. D:
  12. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    Some mods may be outdated, mods can break after every patch. Try enabling one at a time.
  13. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    my list however has not been outdated once since the start of that post's existence.

    I put extensive effort into my list containing no incompatibilities or mods that currently don't work.
    cwarner7264 likes this.

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