If the Kickstarter got the 900k it was asking for instead of the 2.2m it got, how different do you think the game would be? I mean obviously the things like galactic war, an orchestral soundtrack and all that would be missing, but speaking on the core of the experience, do you think the same units would be there, would the flaming trees and entry animation already be in, etc? Just wondering is all.
Well we can't just based things off of the Kickstarter, that's only the beginning of PA's "sales history" after all and that doesn't even include what Uber themselves put into the project as well. Mike
In such topics I always try to keep in mind that SupCom cost $11.5 millions... It's make guessing something easier.
Not in the linear way your thinking. Think of designing a game like building a house, there are some things you just HAVE to do first. You can't finish the roof without the foundation being poured or the house being fully framed for example. It's not really about things taking "Longer" really you know? Mike