If you're running game via Steam try two workarounds first: 1 - Try to run game without "Steam Community Overlay": Right click the game in your Library -> Select Properties -> On the General tab, uncheck the box next to Enable Steam Community In-Game 2 - Try to run it using standalone launcher: https://store.uberent.com/download/pa It's will be also helpful if you upload some game log with crash dump, here is how-to: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/648814845443326834/
The Dump Files, atleast from what i got out of the instructions this should be them. 72fe5bab-36b3-40d3-bb9e-153d5e9ee305.dmp 72fe5bab-36b3-40d3-bb9e-153d5e9ee305.dmp
Trying to be patient but i have yet to receive help on this issue beyond the initial, would at least like to know someone from the team has looked at the dump files.
oops, that's definitely enough, but he does use a headset, @BewareOfPigz can you try playing PA with the headset not pluged in? they somtimes give problems