The AI needs a lower difficulty

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Unlife98, June 22, 2014.

  1. Unlife98

    Unlife98 New Member

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    I just bought the game 2 or 3 days ago, and I am enjoying it. It is really fun, but the AI seems to be too hard to beat. I made a 1v1 game against an AI, and within 15 minutes their base engulfed my entire planet, and the moon. Are they too overpowered, or am I just too underpowered?
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    it does have this already. you have a little box for yourself and the AI called "economy multiplier" simply set the number to something lower like 0.4 and you'll see the AI will be much easier.

    This is how the AI difficulty works. That set aside the possibility to select between the different AI personalities (for even more detailed AI customization) is coming.
    shrapmaelite likes this.
  3. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    PA is a pretty unique game with a little bit of a learning curve. Once you get a hang of the build orders and some of the basic techniques, it gets a lot easier.

    There's three main rules to PA
    1. Never Stop Expanding
    2. Never Stop Scouting
    3. Never Stop Attacking
    If you think you have a large enough economy. You don't. Build more. If you think you have enough units. You don't. Build More.

    Get that down, and you'll understand PA.

    Constantly applying pressure is key – particularly when playing against other players.

    Also, constantly change up your strategy. Again, this works better agains players, but it still works against the AI. We're playing on a spherical map. Don't attack the same defensive line over and over. Just go around it! :-D

    I'd also highly recommend watching some gameplay videos from skilled players.

    Head on over to PA Matches for gameplay videos and tutorials:

    Also, check out my YouTube channel for videos and tutorials:
    shrapmaelite and killerkiwijuice like this.
  4. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    For me, after more than 400 hours deep, the uber AI seems too easy. Experience = Skill.
  5. shrapmaelite

    shrapmaelite Member

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    I'm still unsure of what to think about the AI. The first 6 matches I played were absurdly easy and each time I found the commander was only building metal and energy, and very little of it in a condensed area. About the 7th or 8th match did I finally see the AI actually try but even then it was still too easy. I started a new campaign game on a much harder difficulty and after 10 games the AI is either too easy, normal, or too hard. I dunno if it's just me though... I just bought the game yesterday so maybe it'll take time to adjust, idk.
  6. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    The galactic war AI is a bit special and work in progress. To get a more colourful AI, play a multiplayer game against an AI player, increasing the difficulty and economy multipliers to find an enjoyable level, where you have full access to all the tech.
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    We should keep in mind that things like the AI difficulty are VERY subjective because while the AI's ability is static across all copies of the game each player is bringing a different ability level to the table. Someone like me who played a lot of casual SupCom will obviously have a much better handle on PA's mechanics than someone who has primarily played Starcraft 1/2.

    On top of that it is still technically a WIP, for all the improvements that Sorian has put into the AI since we first got our grubby hands on it it's still not a finished product.......yet.


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