Hello, I just bought PA, but I'm having issues with it. I started a new galactic war, first battle was ok, but in the second battle I had issues with creating the game, like "Failed to create game" "Login rejected" which makes no sense because the battle should be totally independent of connections (offline), and not online. "Freezing" happens when I started a game, a few minutes later the game freezes, but the sounds and mouse are working, like I was lagging or had a very high latency (1000+) in a online game. The game itself didn't crash, but the I had to close it using the task manager. there's also the temporal freezes, which stops the game for a second or two and continues. and for "Actions delayed", It simply does what it says- Building a unit, for example, it starts about half a second after I pressed the build unit button, like lag. Unit commands (Attack/move, etc) are also delayed. I also noticed in the task manager that PA is using network in a offline(?) match, is PA always online°
All matches are always online – for now. All matches currently take place on Uber's servers. When 1.0 is released, we'll have offline gameplay. Quite a few people are having issues with clicking latency as of the latest build. Try switching your servers. That can be done in the settings. I'm really hoping Uber comes out with a build this week that addresses the clicking latency.
this sucks, and a lot. I don't live in america or europe, but in South America, which means a latency around 200-300, game is completely unplayable of now, at least a big warning in the store: "ALWAYS ONLINE", would do it. and mostly important, when 1.0 will be released?
"When it is done" Uber doesn't give out release dates. Pretty much whenever anyone asks "When is X" the answer is always "soon" We do know that Uber is focusing on a release before the end of the year.