Game causes complete shutdown occasionally and planets taking much to long to load ingame.

Discussion in 'Support!' started by squishypon3, June 19, 2014.

  1. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Okay, so I've been playing this game since early Alpha, and lately the game has been acting terribly. Planet generation in the lobby can take a couple seconds, but when trying to get into the game AFTER generation is complete it can take quite a while to get the planet to show up, which is odd since it should already be loaded... It can even throw entire matches for me as occasionally I join late enough that the game has already started before I could join. Another problem is sometimes the game can cause my entire system to shutdown on it's own, I've even gone through the trouble of getting a better cooling system and turning on the AC as I play but still.. It can cause a whole shutdown. (Not a bluescreen shutdown, a legitimate shutdown.) The game EATS up RAM, as I can get up to 98% RAM usage, and eventually my computer begins to pagefile, which may be the main reasoning behind the entire system shutdowns... CPU usage however is so little, even the menu uses more CPU than the actual game, the menu also uses an unusual amount of RAM for what it is.. though I can't really say anything about this is so do many other programs. (About 300mb at times I think?)

    Specs are really meh but they used to run the game much better, even on Uber:

    Intel i3 2.3Ghz quad core.
    Intel HD 3000
    4 Gigs of RAM (Hopefully will be buying an extra four gigs soon, which should help quite a bit with my problems)

    I realize Gamma game is Gamma, but the fact it can cause my whole PC to shutdown is unsettling to me. :(
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    This new build certainly has taken a few steps backwards in stability and all around bugs. :-(
  3. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I really hope we can find the reasoning for such problems, because a game causing a complete PC shutdown is scary o.o
  4. nofear1299

    nofear1299 Active Member

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    With the whole shut down thing I would assume it's a heat issue. But you said you've taken steps for that so I am unsure... Can you check the temps anyway?
  5. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I'm not sure though, what would be overheating- the CPU usage for the game really isn't much. I'm hoping buying the extra four gigs of RAM will fix at least some of my problems. I'm living in the hottest part of the house, so the heat collects and just kills my computer it seems. But still, there is an average of 98% RAM usage at any time during the gamd, also after the computer reboots it tells me it was pagefiling much more than it should have based on the limits given, up to 500mb pagefiled. So I believe it may have quite a bit to do with RAM usage as well.

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