Units keep on getting stuck between factories, and can't move between factories or energy plants. It's also very common for units to just stop in the middle of their build queue. I simply can't trust my fabricators to follow through on their build queues.
I've noticed units getting stuck when they are next to a building, and you start building a new one right next to that, squishing them in between. The buildings do have enough clearance to let units path through them once built, but the units that get caught in between buildings under construction are stuck forever. You can free them however by removing the buildings AND wrecks, fabbers can reclaim themselves to freedom.
I believe once I said, that they work like Walmart employees. If you leave them to their own, you come back a few minutes later to some bots leaning against a pgen wall just chillin out.
the building spacing is because the collision detection seems to not be working properly when queuing up multiple buildings
+1 Also, sometimes when I build a factory in the vicinity of a metal spot, I can't build a mex on it. And it's not THAT close for this to be reasonable, the factory is far enough away for the commander to fit between it and where the edge of the mex would be.
Yeah. I've been running into that. Sometimes my factory will be 2 pgen widths away from the metal spot and I can't build on that metal spot. There's also been lots of instances of metal spots generating too close to different terrain obstacles so those metal spots are unbuildable. Especially on metal planets. So sometimes that totally screws with spawns. In theory that spawn would have 6-8 metal spots, but it actually has 3-5 metal spots.
I noticed this especially with fabricators assigned to build in areas with wreckage. They don't reclaim metal extractors, they just stand there and wait. I have to area reclaim and then I can go on. Sometimes they get stuck at tank wrecks too.
I noticed this issue aswell - occurs pretty frequently. What is even more annoying is that sometimes you cannot really identify if there is just wreckage or an actual metal extractor over a metal spot, making this issue even worse.
I usually have my commander building large strings of Pgens, and in this update I've noticed I'll always get a bunch of the way in the game and my energy stalls. Go check on the commander and they're stuck between some rows, unable to move even with manually trying to move them out of the way :/
Yupp. I run into that all the time. Really annoying to lose a match because of energy stalling because my fabricators won't follow through on their build queues.