Who has won Galactic War on Absurd difficulty?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by metabolical, June 16, 2014.

  1. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I thought it was fun, even OP with all the eco modifiers, but I do agree it is the worst lol.
  2. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Being new to galactic war I thought it was pretty badly sign posted what to do. The game itself was pretty difficult considering I didn't realise I had to fight if selecting that planet.

    Prob should be a wiki page for this. Started on a medium planet with 3 ais around me and 1 card.

    Phone deleted rest of this message,

    Too long to write again, basically card wiki is needed, luck is the worst possible thing to rely on in rts games. People obviously enjoy gw. Not for me. :]
    kryovow and elodea like this.
  3. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    yes its luck. Get the right cards early on and it will be much easier. ^^
  4. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    With better balancing of the cards, it'd be nice if you knew what you were going to get for winning a battle ahead of time. Then you could start to make some meaningful decisions on the strategic map.
    trialq, Jaedrik, philoscience and 2 others like this.
  5. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    A la the 'War of the Ring' mode for Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II. Territorial bonuses FTW.
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    so who feels knowledgeable enough about GW to make a GW guide/tutorial?
    igncom1 likes this.
  7. stonewood1612

    stonewood1612 Well-Known Member

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    1. get lucky
    2. rush rush rush, don't let them get T2
    3 don't let them escape to another planet
    4 don't die
    5 be awesome

    I think the luck factor is the most absurd player here.
  8. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I tried 4 times so far. 1 match in, and my commander would rest in peace(s) afterward...

    Well, actually this is my 4th time, streaming it on twitch.tv with my "Kuwabara" voice, and I won my first one. All it took... was the AI choosing a "cramped" spawn on a metal planet pole, and getting an eco structure price reduction.

    Now things are going Kuwabara!
  9. Fr33Lancer

    Fr33Lancer Well-Known Member

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    I agree on this point.
    I found myself willing to ditch a card to get another one, and was struggling between removing basic orbital tech or advanced one.
    I had no idea which was granting what, had to look at the game file (*.js) to figure out.
    All cards are located in the same folder, there is some mapping to do (like basic orbital = t1_orbital), but it's quite straight forward.
  10. Jaedrik

    Jaedrik Active Member

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  11. stonewood1612

    stonewood1612 Well-Known Member

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    Attempt 9: finally found a tech that lets me build units... adv. vehicles to be specific.

    won 1 match, then got slowly wrecked in the second one. I seriously don't know why I can't find basic tech units.:mad::mad::mad::mad:

    I have some cool pics, but it prevents me from uploading them :( "they're too big for the server to handle"
    But they're the same res as my previous screenshots:mad:

    the AI sniped all of metal extractors with Holkins, and tried to snipe my comm twice with an SXX. Then he launched the aerial assault. Man I wish I could show you. I'll try another time.
  12. metabolical

    metabolical Uber Alumni

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    If your stream is lagging it may consider it dropped and make a new segment.
  13. jonasmod

    jonasmod Active Member

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    Started new GW. Epic size, Absurd difficulty. Vehicle commander. Could travel to three systems from starting point, all in enemy hands. Turns out beating three Absurdly hard AI:s using only basic vehicle fabbers was.. Absurdly hard.
    stonewood1612 likes this.
  14. Jaedrik

    Jaedrik Active Member

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    Yeah but I wasn't lagging, unless I'm having a consistent 'every 47 second' lag.
    It's cool though, I asked Foe when he started streaming right after and he directed me to OBS.
    Not that that's guaranteed to fix anything, but I'm more inclined to blame the in-game streaming feature because you know bias and stuff!
    Next time!
    I mean I even had my bitrate down to 480p and everything :/
  15. stonewood1612

    stonewood1612 Well-Known Member

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    The commander commander is the best! .... only if you can find tech to build units...

    They really need to change the loadouts, being not able to build a single factory is just silly. I mean absurd.
  16. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I get the same. It is more stable if I use the twitch api ingame, but very slow in-game, and it is much faster if I use openbroadcastsoftware but it divides it up most oftenly before and after game not ingame.

    BTW, at my skill level, I only defeated 1 match. The AI spawned on a pocket of a metal planet near a pole. If I didn't corner trap him and swarm his commander on all sides, I would have lost.

    I lost the very next match, and that was my 4th GW attempt.

    Starting next time at 5. Really, I feel all I need is lucky tech. I only won the 1 because favorable spawn, and eco structure cost reduce. If I got all eco techs, I'd slam him because I could harass early enough.
  17. Jaedrik

    Jaedrik Active Member

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    The Struggle has never been more real.

    I gave in and unplugged my internet, and used 'end process' on PA.

    Two hours of endless fighting. No.

    I specifically dropped advanced vehicles to get naval tech JUST for this scenario, and it STILL didn't help.

    I'm not mad, but I feel incredibly... Sober, I suppose? My grandpa wants me to mow the lawn now, so I guess I better do that.

    Even if the game thinks I disconnected and gives me a free pass back to the Galactic War screen, that's it for this run of 16 wins. It wouldn't be honorable to continue, nor would it qualify me for 'beating' it.

    I'll do a Slammers Only run on normal before I return to absurd.

    And I'll use the SALT commander next time instead of vehicle commander. Seriously, who needs stationary defense?
  18. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    I've just started an uber absurd run with vehicle loadout, but am limiting myself to non-buff cards. That means only tech and sub-commander cards allowed. It's unlikely I'll be able to complete it. The sub-commanders aren't what made the last run easy (they helped a little), the main things were:
    • Faster, more damaging infernos
    • The infernos were fast enough that ants were not needed
    • Commander build arm means you can get a factory out before energy
    • Commander and fabber build arms mean you crank out everything quicker
    • Commander and fabber build arms mean you don't need as many energy plants
    • Eco +40% card means you need less eco structures
    With that setup, 6 or 7 infernos can chase down and take out a commander. Rush all the ai before they can get established and you win. Leave one or more ai alone for too long and you're in trouble.
    Jaedrik likes this.
  19. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Tell me about it, I got 5 matches in, and your recommendation to use eco storage buff to rush faster came just a bit too late. Ultimately lost 5 matches into my 5th absurd attempt.

    And the videos of my attempt.

    Now I am considering using artillery tech, just so if I t2 I can have gil-e/shellers. However, generally, I want to try out your inferno rush strategy and ultimately win. I have had awfully shitty tech from my deck however.

    You may have a reasonable complaint, I use OBS as well, tried the in-game one but it doesn't have the settings to support my crappy quality computer, the settings has to be way lower than the in-game twitch settings allow...
  20. tohron

    tohron Active Member

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    I won Absurd with the BACON loadout a few days ago, but I had to use quit-> restart in some of the earlier matches when I spawned too far away from the enemy commanders. On thing about the AI I noticed was that it seemed to only send out small attack forces - I never saw truly large unit strikes, even in the games where the last surviving enemy comm managed to build up a decent base.

    Also, the AI (both friendly and enemy) seemed to have trouble responding to small raiding forces. If a couple of tanks or grenadiers were attacking undefended mex, they would often go ignored.

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