I'll try to condense it as much as possible: Have had fun when the game ran as supposed to, but had early on one case where the AI jetted to the moon and camped there with incredible amounts of AA and bombers, making it practically impossible for me to land and invade it. I ended up quitting the campaign in frustration because I was left no choice or solution. Principally same case happened later in next campaign when I was versus navy based AI. I couldn't reach any of its structures with my vehicle based army (the only tech I had acquired so far), and only kill the few ships it sent now and then. I couldn't build torpedoes either, because the AI had the range to kill it and the fabbers building it without me able to do anything about it. So summarized up, I bought the game and played for few hours, already ended up rebooting it twice and frankly lost quite a lot interest in playing this, even though I payed the wooping 50 dollars. Please address.
You could always just play skirmishes against the AI having everything unlocked if you are just looking to play a few matches. GW plays a lot like a Rogue-like-like. Meaning you are not always going to win.
Well I wasn't really looking to play that way, I liked the pace as I am completely new and being able to slowly go through the stuff, unlocking it. I think not playing the campaign is a bad workaround to it becoming a stale mate so easily.
Well to be fair Galactic War is a new feature for PA so it still has plenty to grow. You could also set the AI to 0 economy for a Sandbox mode if you are looking to learn the game.
Yeah, the galactic war was just introduced really recently. There are a bunch of problems that have been brought up (such as the ones you are having, and more) and they haven't been dealt with yet. Expect improvements soon!
The game is in early access. The campaign isn't finished WIP. That is why people are suggesting to do a regular skirmish against the AI or players.
The stalemate is technically avoidable if you just bumrush the enemy. Or, grind until you get "assault commander" which starts with no turret tech but all 4 t1 factories. Stalemates occur because the AI builds up too much, and you need to build up a lot to push him, talking hundreds of astraeus with fabricators and anti air. Just get to the planet to smother him before he can build. Takes very quick orbital access, teleporters on all planets, and army pushes on their base early because even your smallest army can ruin an AI economy and stall his army growth within the realm of possible. BTW, this game is in development, I can only hope wherever you bought it from made that clear. Trust me, this isn't the end state of the game development. This is an early glimpse, not what you ultimately purchased. And usually, given just a month to see the next big update (ofc with small updates along the way), most people are impressed by the upgrade. Oh, one last thing, you could always adjust the difficulty, play a few skirmishes, turn the AI economy down a bit too, that sort of thing. Also, consider watching an after game replay of an AI starting up, or another player even. You can learn a lot since this game is unique that it isn't played what people would try to at first. the AI is a boss at building fabricators and economy and spreading everywhere real real fast.
Ok thanks for the inputs. I got really captivated by the game fast, and just got kinda bummed to get my attempts at campaigning turned down by such banalties. Not much I can do I suppose, than skirmishing a bit and maybe watch some casts.
How many Astreus did you try and drop at once? you can select all of them and then click drag the load order to pick up entire armies at once. Even a heavily camped planet shouldn't be able to stop all your astreus if you send literally hundreds upon hundreds at once. If you're vehicle commander, then dropping lots of infernos and spinners (especially the spinners) with a few fabbers should be sufficient, all you need to do is bring enough spinners to wipe out the early waves of bombers so your fabbers have time to get up a teleporter. Once you've got a teleporter, you can just start shoving your entire factory production straight through. Planet's are breakable... you just need to think really big in terms of scale of invasion.
I've been using orbital loadout for precisely this. I can always invade, always build orbital fighters, always build anchor,s and always able to build the laser platform. NOTHING will be so entrenched that I can't break in with a few tools, or a massive amount of fighters. You do have to find some other factory tech early on, because being able to fight in orbital without mex is nuts.