My username was mistyped when i creted the account and i didnt even realize that PA was the same company as SMNC, so when i start up PA im seeing the same broken username that kept me from playing SMNC i have seen ways to change the name in game mentioned on forums which would be good enough if any of them worked Im gonna email support about it too already so please only reply here if you can direct me to where to unlink from steam myself
Support will get this taken care of. This is a pretty easy fix, but it's not something you can do manually. We have to unlink it on our systems.
But isn`t the username just for logging in? Isn`t the game using the Steam nickname? At least it did in SMNC, I don`t know about PA, never played it.
It should be, however i cant get my display name to work at all, on the forums or in game Though, maybe ill just ask support to fix that for me if they can, after all the log in name really doesnt matter to me i just hate having this name show to other people because it's a typo
Our forums don't allow a display name. That level of anonymity is too easy to abuse in a forum environment. However, display names should work. If you go to and update your display name on the My Account page, you should be able to update it.
You playing through Steam or through our launcher? If it's through Steam, the code path is different - it pulls from Steam. But it is possible something broke recently, as it used to use Steam name (not account, but your steam ID).