Something abort the orbit

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by wstxbb, June 16, 2014.

  1. wstxbb

    wstxbb Member

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    First of all, my first language is not English, so sorry if there are something that not write properly.

    The orbit is a important part of planetary annihilation. So I think there should be more interactive between orbital units and the ground units. Personally, I divided the orbit into three phases say T1, T2 and T3 as there are generally three types of maps(single planet, single planet with moon and multi-spawns map).

    For T1, I define it as just build the orbital launcher. The orbital launcher is not as expensive as the T2 factories but still not a small number for early game. It is ok if there is a moon to explore as it gives you lot of resource. But in a single planet map, it can bring anything only disadvantage in early game. So I think if a orbital bomber is added into the launcher will be good. The bomber is general fly in the orbit level, but it have to dive into the ground level to drop the bomb. So it will not be dreadly for the units that are not under the umbrella. To make the orbital bomber different with the normal bomber, let us make it really hard to be hit by the T1 anti-air OR we can just make it bombing in the orbit but add some anti-orbit units

    The T2 of orbit is the phase whit the orbit fabricator, but have not built the orbit factories yet. The time in the game, there should have some one occupied a planet or moon and have certain defence. The game at this time is not give much choose for interplanetary attack. As it is not really suit this game to add space navy, I think we can add something like mobile space factories which can be build by the orbital fabricators. The mobile space factories are building ground units and can store them for a certain amount. They can drop these units on the planet the currently are and we can make it like the dropping of the unit cannon in the trail. And we could let these factories land on the planet(says can increase the building speed) and they can be build on the ground by T2 fabricators as well. And we can add some more units that can only be built by these factories.

    T3 is the last phase of the orbit. In this phase I assume it is already late game and super weapons are built. I believe this game will add asteroid ring later, to create more ammo to annihilation. So the key for the last phase is to occupy the ring(THE RING IS MINE!!!). So I think the space factory should have more units for battle. Just different types of fighters should be good enough, this fighter’s job is to protect the mobile factories to dropping units on the asteroids.

    The last thing I would like to discuss is to make the super weapons more variable. For instance, the nuke will cause emp or destroy the orbital units if it is explode in the space(by the anti-nuke). The smashing will active the volcano on the planet. And I have an idea abort the interplanetary laser which need change the direction by satellites(could make them for show to avoid over complicate). The feature of this laser is it need to choose the area that cover by the laser when we aim it to a target. And the large the area the less damage per second it will be. And it cause lot of energy to use (no need charge, but the energy cast is really high) so we need lots of energy storage to use the laser. And the laser can have more damage to the orbit level, less damage to ground if they have atmosphere.

    Thank you for read all this, this is only my ideas. They may not really good for you but is what I think good for the game.
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    considering Uber has yet to complete alot of their unit roster I think it's totally plasible something like this might make it into the game before release.

    I at least expect to see a unit like mobile anti-orbital that would allow you to counter anchor creep.

    or do something about the anchors shooting the ground cuz' right now that's an OP strat.
  3. icefire909

    icefire909 Member

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    I'd honestly like to see combat units from the orbital factory.
    Keep the Orbital Launcher as utility stuff, take out the avenger maybe. and the orbital factory to combat units along with utility.

    So orbital T1 units can be utility, and orbital T2 units can be combat. Space needs to be treated as a spherical navy, not how it currently is. I played a match with a friend, I had the planet and he had the moon. It was a stalemate. Whoever attacked lost their invaders.

    Too many anti nukes, too many avengers, too many umbrellas. We didn't even bother spamming Anchors everywhere. It feels like we need more combat orbitals.
    Frigate (Avenger), Destroyer, Cruiser, Battlecruiser, Battleship, Carrier (kinda like naval transports from TA, heavily armoured and can get units on the ground while under heavy fire).

    When they fight I feel like the frigates and destroyers should fly around like aircraft, and the cruisers, battlecruisers and battleships would sit like navy and unleash their guns like navy.
    Destroyers kill Frigates
    Cruisers kill Destroyers
    Battlecruisers are like Cruisers but slower, more weapons or armour (not both)
    Battleships kill other Battleships and structures
    Frigates can outmaneuver Battleships and Battlecruisers.
    Something like that. Inspiration on class differences from EVE Online. EVE have some really nice ship designs, and since the units on this are fairly blocky, Caldari ships (a playable faction of EVE) would work well.

    Frigate (Kestrel)
    Destroyer (Corax)
    Cruiser (Moa)
    Cruiser (Old Moa)
    Battlecruiser (Ferox)
    Battleship (Rokh, my personal favourite :p)

    Designs drawing inspiration from some of these, but obviously not exactly these, could probably fit in quite well with all the other units. There are of course many other ships from EVE but these are the most blocky I could think of.
  4. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    We already have combat units from the orbital factory.

    But the game is focused on planetary warfair, not interplanetary warfair.
  5. mredge73

    mredge73 Active Member

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    With the addition of astroid belts (soon), I would assume that interplanetary warfare will be a major focus.
    We won't be fighting for single astroids on the ground, the fight will be for control over the entire field.
  6. icefire909

    icefire909 Member

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    I'm not asking for interplanetary warfare. I KNOW the game isn't about that. But have you seen the methods we have for laying siege to a planet compared to attacking a base on the same planet. If you can send a fleet of battleships to the other planet, literally the same way we do now, then there are options for attacking planets. Because right now it's horrible, you just stalemate.

    Planetary we have tanks, bots, navy, air along with static defenses (laser towers, artillary) and static offensive (nukes, artillary)
    Interplanetary we have Avengers, Space lasers and nukes for attacking (which can't even hit orbital!) and Anchors for static defense.

    Surely you've used air scouts back when they could fight. And surely you've seen bombers do bombing runs. They all do passes on the enemy and strafe targets and what not. So why can't orbital frigates?
    Then we have Avengers. There's no variance for tactical orbital invasion. It's literally "build more than the guy you're attacking". Avengers are just like a boxing match where 2 guys stand there punching eachother in the face, it's boring. More orbital combat units are needed. Otherwise why not just have 1 combat tank since "it's a combat unit"

    Diversity, Tactics, Strategy.
    Sure you can spam PeeWees on TA, but then you just lose your army to a couple bombers.
  7. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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  8. icefire909

    icefire909 Member

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    Would you rather more flimsy satellites? We're using machines that have assimilated the best of war. I'm sure a giant space block is better armed and armoured than a satellite.
  9. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    By "no space ships" he means "Uber has said that there will be no space ships"
  10. mredge73

    mredge73 Active Member

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    I thought that was in the context of fighting in between planet orbits? Also, how exactly is the avenger not a combat ready "space ship". We won't be getting fights in the dead of space but I am curious on how they will handle fighting over an asteroid belt. I for one am in favor of a space navy.
  11. icefire909

    icefire909 Member

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    That would make sense then. Still though, I'm only talking about more orbital units that look like orbital units beyond satellites. Like how tanks looks like tanks, kbots look like kbots, aircraft look like aircraft (VTOL and wing-jet), and ships look like ships.
  12. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Id rather more flimsy satellites.
  13. wstxbb

    wstxbb Member

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    The only bad thing for anti-orbital unit is people will build a lot of them to defend their planets, so it can be impossible to land of build a portal.
  14. wstxbb

    wstxbb Member

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    I agree it should have more orbital combat. Put some combat units in the launcher is main for the total cost will be too high for a unit like bomber, and result in this unit will not be seem until late game. And I personally don't think a big ship like units is really suit this game(the navy battle is already not interesting). First the cast to build a battleship will be really high if they are tanky, so it won't be a lot of them. Then it will lead to more control of them like warcraft, which I don't really like.

    What I think is to add more feature fighters, long rang, short range, etc. Even we can make it "like" the ground units(the way of fight). So we can make the archor more defense like. But I think some small ship will be fine.
  15. wstxbb

    wstxbb Member

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    Agree, but I think it should have more combat units. Now the game is just limiting the way of fight. And the combat unit now we have is not really useful(more like defense only). They should show how important to control the orbit just like air. That is why I think more interaction between ground and orbit will be good. And it will not be hard to make so, even we just let the big satellites will drop to the ground after being destroyed.
  16. icefire909

    icefire909 Member

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    Satellites and anchors falling from the sky would be great since the slight potential damage caused will also damage the ground units, and make fighting over all your generators risky for the defender, along with softening up ground defenses (turrets, umbrellas, etc)
  17. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    I anticipated as much but i still think they are an absolute necessity. perhaps if they were expensive and long to build?
  18. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    I like the idea of factories being able to change orbits, and orbital bombardment is always cool. However if you're going to make it swoop down to the surface to drop its payload it's just a glorified air bomber. Orbital bombardment should be from orbit:


    On a side note: I find it hilarious that whenever someone says "sorry if my English is bad I'm not a native speaker" it ends up being better spelt than 70% of English internet user posts anyway.
  19. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Well I do try to use spell check to hide mine.
  20. wstxbb

    wstxbb Member

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    I make the bomber like a glorified is because I need to think abort how to balance it. As the purpose to add a bomber into the launcher is to give some advantages for people build it rather than T2 factory. So it should be cheap and not too strong. If this bomber(I agree there should be some units can bomb in orbit, maybe they should be build in the orbital factory)can bomb from the orbit, there have to be an anti-orbital unit that can be build from T2 factory(probably even T1, as the orbital launcher is cheaper than T2 factories)and cheap enough to allow them appear in mid game. The reason is if not the bomber will become unstoppable for the units you send to attack others or expand your territory(just like why platform are annoying, and the bomber can move, so it will be more annoying). If we just make it expansive and long time to build, this bomber will not bring advantage as expect.

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