Assist/build order merge

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by elodea, June 15, 2014.

  1. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    tatsujb, I agree with elodea. Automatically assisting the factory after building it is not what I intend when getting other fabbers to help another fabber build that factory before branching off into their own queue. The new way of auto-assisting factories like that is unintuitive and specific to factories only (they don't hang around to assist a pgen for example, they continue their queue). Making it context dependent is not good.

    If you wanted it to assist, you'd queue up an assist.
  2. burntcustard

    burntcustard Post Master General

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    I liked all of zweistein's and elodea's and trialq's comments because they are right.

    I would unlike tatsujb's posts in this thread if that were possible.
    stuart98 and zweistein000 like this.
  3. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Last edited: June 16, 2014
  4. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    When you right click on a building that is being constructed, it should never be an assist, that is stupid.

    A building being built doesn't need assistants, it needs units to build it.
    stuart98 likes this.
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    he has a point. Most would use the shift key less, if the game automatically chained builds, and shift key simply cleared queue. Maybe have it a game option to change shift-chain/default-refresh to default-chain/shift-restart.
  6. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    You are unable to understand the issue, aren't you?

    1. Explicitly order a unit to "assist" in construction with the BUILD command.
    2. Unit moves there and assists in building the structure
    3. Unit automagically enqueues assist command after construction and get's stuck with assisting the factory. THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED!

    The behavior pointed out in step 3 was added recently.
    stuart98 and zweistein000 like this.
  7. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    there is no build command.

    building is when you set a wire-frame down.

    If you guys just listen to this then re-read what i posted everything will make sense. From the start.
  8. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    Ah yes, it does now.

    But you are still wrong in one point:
    They have apparently added the 3rd priority command. And that utterly breaks "assisting in construction without copying order".
  9. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    What makes you think you are right? Clearly there are a lot of people who do no agree with you. Also why should burnt custard be ashamed of his views on the matter?

    Also if you want to assist CONSTRUCTION OF A FACTORY NOT CONSTRUCTION OF UNITS AFTER IT IS DONE, BECAUSE ASSISTING UNIT CONSTRUCTION IS LESS EFFICIENT. Example 4 vehicle factories produce 60 metal/sec with 2700 power. 1 vehicle factory assisted by 3 fabbers that should be building more factories produce 45 metal/second for 3675 power (also note that the roll of time is the same regardless off number of factories, meaning that 4 factories have less down time in general than one factory), THAT's why it shouldn't continue assisting. You never go and say assist tank production of a factory that isn't finished. It's counter intuitive, because the factory isn't even done yet and you want it to build more tanks? You generally want to build more factories. Also if you queued up structures after the assist command you clearly don't want them assisting the unit production.
  10. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    just a head's up, that is the same argument people who backed the apartheid.

    being numerous is not a factor of being right. In fact it often proves to the contrary.

    if what you mean is that they don't resume the next priority once the factory stops then yes you are right.

    according to the logic i stated above, it should.

    As a matter of fact, in supcom, the queue actually checked it's imediate state, not what was planned. resulting in exactly what you'd expect from this :

    I.E. the factory was not building right this second, nothing to do here, moving on.
  11. aevs

    aevs Post Master General

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    tatsujb, it seems you are misunderstanding a few of the points made. Either that or your point is a bad one.
    Here's a succinct explanation:

    When you select fabbers and mouse over a semi-completed building, the mouseover tooltip shown is the repair tool tip.
    Before, if you ordered a repair command followed by a string of other orders, the fabbers would build/repair the building to completion and then continue on with their other orders.
    As of yesterday's build, if you order them to repair the building they will do so and then continue assisting the building afterwards, as though you had given them an assist command, which you did not. They will never move on and do other tasks.

    If you set them to assist the first fabber, you won't be able to send them off on their own tasks afterwards either, since they will assist that fabber indefinitely.

    This can only limit your ability to string orders. I'm pretty sure that it's an unintended side-effect of trying to improve the repair functionality with units, because there is no reason to make the repair and assist commands redundant in this way.
  12. Fr33Lancer

    Fr33Lancer Well-Known Member

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    I was about to reply, but @aevs beat me to it and his message is anyway clearer.
    The disturbing thing is not that they changed the repair command, it is that they switched the repair command with the assist one, without changing the icon on mouse-over (was this change intentional or not, that is the question)

    You can verify that, if you use the repair command from the command bar (explicitly NOT the contextual right-click), the behaviour is as per previous build, so the one most everyone are expecting.

    Bug as it is, either Uber should provide a setting to define default contextual command (repair or assist), either they switch back to previous implementation.
    aevs and zweistein000 like this.
  13. knub23

    knub23 Active Member

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    This thread needs more attention. The old behaviour should really come back, this new behaviour is so flawed. Pls undo this change or at least give us an option in the menu. Thanks.
    zweistein000 likes this.
  14. icefire909

    icefire909 Member

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    Why don't you just click repair...

    Repair the building in construction, they won't assist it afterward. How is this so hard?
  15. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    It will never cease to amaze me the things people will say just to be contrarian. To be the guy who jumps on any opportunity to make himself seem tougher than everyone else. Quite pathetic really.

    It is to YOUR benefit if you only have to click once on the building instead of clicking multiple times via the repair order. Unless you have a legitimate issue with the previous system, a rational person would either support this, or stay out of the thread because he happens to be indifferent between the two.
  16. tidus1492

    tidus1492 Member

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    I personally like the change, just need to get used to it.
  17. icefire909

    icefire909 Member

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    You want people who don't agree with you to not be here? That's not how you do discussions. Also I've not had any issues like you seem to be having, hell I didn't even notice they changed anything. I have fabbers set to walk around my base repairing everything. An area-repair order.
  18. RushSecond

    RushSecond New Member

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    So currently it works like this:

    Right-click -> build structure, then assist it when it's done
    Repair command -> build structure, then stay idle when it's done (or go off to do queued stuff)

    Alternately, we could do this:

    Right click, then shift+right-click -> build structure, then assist it when it's done
    Right click -> build structure, then stay idle when it's done (or go off to do queued stuff)

    I personally like the second implementation better because it's more intuitive; it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to right click something and an action (in this case, assisting the factory) gets automatically queued even though you didn't even touch the shift key. If people still want an easy way to assist post-build, then perhaps also...

    Assist command -> build structure, then assist it when it's done

    Is this acceptable for everyone?
    zweistein000 likes this.
  19. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    Area repair? Ok, so it seems you're still in an early learning phase so I take back my harsh criticism. You honestly and genuinely believe there isn't a problem (which will change once you get better). There isn't any arguement under the sun that can change your perspective because you havn't opened certain doors yet, and i'm ok with respecting that.

    To clarify, I only don't want irrational people to be here because that would be counter-productive. Changing it back to how it was in previous builds can only have positives. There are no negatives (as far as i am aware). Comparing positives to negatives leads us to a really simple conclusion.

    So unless you have objectively valid negatives to tip this scale, anything else you say (such as using repair as a work around) has no value.
    Well in previous builds it was already quite simple, and i think this is what most of us want it to go back to.

    Right click building -> build structure only
    assist command -> build structure and assist when done.

    There isn't really any need for shift right click having a contextual meaning when it comes to building structures
  20. Taxman66

    Taxman66 Well-Known Member

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    Much flame. So ad hominems. Wow.

    This has to be the most retarded thread on these forums. It's worse than Brian having a whinge about the new eco system. It's taken 10 replies for each of you to understand what the other is saying and you're both being d**** about it. Why don't we actually talk about REAL issues instead of this petty crap. Personally, I don't even right click on the structure with extra fabs if I want them there, I just get them to assist the building fab - it means that they won't get stuck behind the original fab. Either that OR I select the fabbers I want and just build it - this is better than both what the OPer does and assisting another fab since this is when the 'insta-move' feature actually works.
    tripper likes this.

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