Hey guys~ Just wondering if Uber had a plan / there was a mod developer able to put in some caster specific tools to PA. These could include being able to draw images on top of things in the chronocam so that a caster could come back after a game has finished and point out how and why a certain player lost by going to key points in the match and visually articulating his points. Essentially it just makes it easier for the caster to transmit information onto the viewers without having to gesture around the screen with his mouse pointer.
There are already lots of incredible caster tools. The economy and unit counts are awesome. And the ChronoCam is awesome. Something no other game has. As for additional tools, they aren't done with commentator tools. We will have more. What they will be? We don't exactly what they will be. There is a mod out there that allows us to draw stuff, but it doesn't work overly well. This has been requested before, and I would love this to be added. We'll see what all are added.
The sketch tools mod might not work anymore after a recent game update, but it did what you're asking. I had been doing the UI for it and @LavaSnake did some great work on the actual drawing code. The problem with it was that it used JavaScript mouse events for drawing, which caused the lines to look like just a bunch of short straight lines connected together. The faster you moved the mouse, the longer each line segment got. There are OBS plugins for sketching that use DirectX for drawing instead, so that might be a better way to do it. I'm also working on a camera mod right now that adds several hotkeys to toggle some interesting camera modes. Another mod I'd really like to make is one that would tie into PA Stats and give you hotkeys to pop up interesting stats as overlays similar to Starcraft 2. I haven't been modding as much as I used to, but I have been trying to focus on casting mods recently. If you know Javascript you could always help out and make some mods too!
Wouldn't using DirectX exclude OS X and Linux users though? You could use spline interpolation instead, right?
Yeah, maybe OBS isn't even DirectX. My point was that good casting software already has this functionality already built in and we probably don't need to replicate it if our sketch tools are just going to sit on top as their own layer and not interact with the game anyway.
I'd love to see this added! Just click and go straight to the commander. The UI and the code is already in the game. It would be an excellent addition