Instant Sandbox version 1.2, Load server mods (in builds that support server mods) I don't believe I can turn on cheats for you, it uses your standard server mods.
Settings, UI. Click the button with the system name and choose a new one. Or change Settings to Code in the defaults object and edit the system there.
Broken in PTE-67998 due to knockout upgrade (error if bindings applied twice) EDIT: Unbuilt (e.g. get the source) appears to work due to timing changes.
Instant Sandbox 2.0 - If unpacked RequireJS is good enough for Galactic War, it's good enough for me. (And it dances around the KO double-bind issue circa 67998) - Without a build process, removed Grunt - Remove depreciated fields from modinfo However, it's not currently showing up in PAMM (Atom, at least)
Broken in PTE 65772-main; server region coming up undefined Nevermind, game in general lost region. Probably need a case for undefined region, but it's not something new.
I found a bug, you'll need to confirm it's not just me. Clicking on the greyed out button in the main menu (before you've logged in), brings up a 'publishing game' or 'failed to start ubernet game' dialog that never goes away. Incidentally, doing this to the galactic war button brings up a dialog saying there are no regions available, but it doesn't bring up a dialog for the multiplayer button.
Instant Sandbox 2.0.1 - Patch to make mod settings appear Settings - Only respond to the start button when it's enabled.
Is it possible to make true sandbox, I mean, everything is built instantly, unlimited resources, and ability to switch between original comm and enemy comm, so you can see how things work against other things?
Get the mod manager and enable the server cheats ;^) alt+F1 to 'copy' an avatar, and then ctrl+v to 'paste' it into the world. You might still need a mod to see the full unit toolbox (it sets up the copy buffer, use ctrl+v to paste what you selected)
Instant Sandbox 2.1.0 - Add a one second delay to button enable to avoid accidental clicks when appearing - Add a region check before starting
Settings or Code? Configuration used? What other mods are you running? Can you try with none? Are you comfortable installing devtools and running the debugger to look for error messages on the console?