Alrighty, I finally have, in my hands... The kickstarter commander model thanks to @stuart98 I've spent painstaking time rigging it and I've made a bit of progress... So far I've gotten the left arm and shoulders rigged, which took me an hour or so to do.. (Not including all the time it took me to find out myself how to manually rig faces to bones as apposed to using weight since there were no tutorials on it.) Eventually I'll have the whole thing rigged to the Alpha's skeleton and people could use it! (Not until @raevn works out the kinks on his exporter to work with turned bones however.) Progress: Showing the bones. What happens when I rotate the bone, the nanolathe arm moves, as it should.
BUT... BUT... I gave you the tutorial link...
It didn't tell me anything ;__; (I was stumped when it told me to pay attention to the link button on the button menu, but for the life of me I could not find that link button and so... I eventually found another way to do it? I don't know. )
Ah well, it doesn't matter. I've finally finished it! After hours upon hours of work... It is all rigged! ^^ Look at that hot piece of metal! Edit: Here's a download link for the Commander and it's rig. Note: The mesh isn't a perfect fit so some stuff may float off if you use it in a certain way but there is no way to get around this. You'll just have to understand that the legs are a little floaty!
Welp... Finally, time to get some sleeeep. I've been working on this for so long, nice to finally get to rest! Anybody up at this hour; enjoy the commander and the rig See you guys tomorrow. (A few hours from now)
Ooh I just figured out I can export this from blender to 3dsmax then export from that to an .fbx file and then from there use papatran to convert it to a .papa- I'll do it when I get home; I'll keep you guys informed! ^^
Hmm... is it? No matter, I might actually want to rerig it in 3Ds Max anyway, so I can make a real commander out of it.
Doooo iiit. So I can t get a copy of that file to, so I can rig my own commander...when my PC is fixed XD