Hello All, I haven't played at all since the very first Alpha build, so I'm really excited to jump in again. I'm not a big online multi-player type of player, so I'm excited for Galactic War. Problem is, I don't have a spec monster. I'm running an ultrabook with an i5 processor, and intel graphics. Do I have a prayer at all at being able to play this? One other question, I bought an alpha code, and then a regular code. Can I use the regular code yet, or do I still need to wait? Thanks!
Oh yeah, you'll play great. I have an i3 intel HD 3000, 4 gigs of RAM, and can run it with 30fps so you should get at least that. A LOT of performance fixes since Alpha, back when I had 5fps...
you'll run it handy dany just great. just carefull with the number of planets in a system and their size. Aim for under 1000Radius and less than 3 planets
Thanks guys. I'm looking at my keys again, and see that I can convert them to steam keys. Is there any advantage to this?
Running it standalone is probably better. It's reckoned to be faster than running it through Steam, and personally I find Steam intrusive.
You still able to use standalone launcher even if you convert to Steam, so it's just up to you if you want to get all your games ties to Steam or not.
haha yah. i run it on integrated graphics and its just lovely till about 20 mins in. Same complaint as the rest of the community: mid to late game performance drops off considerably
none that i see. Steam version runs laggy and gets updates a day late. you also don't get to choose your online name, it's your steam name. and Uber launcher has 'test build' which allows you to try latest balance and server mods. you do however have more direct contact with your mates through steam's chat and voice chat. but that's a given. you can convert it and use the uber launcher to have all the benefits of the uber launcher i stated above.
The uber launcher is superior for sure, and if you want your games together, or the steam overlay, you can always add a non-steam game to your library.
If you dont mind letting me know how it is possible to transfer a steam key to an uber account if at all possible that would be great
I do not have PA on steam, but I think you should be able to just go here: https://store.uberent.com/Account/MyKeys and download the steam free version (which uses Uber's own Launcher/Patcher) using your ubernet account (which you have to have to play PA, it's usually the account you use to login to the forums as well). Others who have steam at least have done this quite successfully.