[WIP] [Server] ModX

Discussion in 'Work-In-Progress Mods' started by zx0, June 1, 2014.

  1. zx0

    zx0 Well-Known Member

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    Update 64 (11.08.2015)

    Type 1 vehicle scout "Snoop": health: 200 -> 150, speed 12 -> 15.
    Advanced orbital radar: power consumption: 2500 -> 10000.
    Unit cannon pod model is now visible. Damage, aoe and fx changed to match ones of missiles.

    Anti orbital laser weapons fixed.

    Orbital launcher icon moved to the first (bottom) row.

    Update 63 (05.08.2015)

    Astraeus crash.
    Anti-nuke not firing.
    Nuke and antinuke ammo not having strategic icons.

    update 62 (03.08.2015)

    Quake: 7000 -> 6000 health.
    Tarantula: 6000 -> 7000 health.
    Bullets are no longer detected by radar.

    Experimental gunship crash.
    Planetary engine and Annihilasor are not buildable.
    Plasma artilleries not firing sometimes.

    Update 61 (01.08.2015)


    Avaliable on PAMM.

    Update 60 (01.08.2015)

    Commander loadout are here!

    For non-backer commanders loadouts are the following:
    Invictus: air 1, bot 1, vehicle 1
    Aeson: air 1, bot 1, vehicle 2
    Rallus: air 1, bot 2, vehicle 1
    Centurion: air 2, bot 1, vehicle 1
    Osiris: air 1, bot 2, vehicle 2
    Nemicus: air 2, bot 2, vehicle 2
    For non-backer commanders will add info later.

    Currently AI is acting pretty bad, must be due to factories' build power per price. It's my highest priority to fix it. Please report other bugs if encountered.

    Avaliable on PAMM.

    Playing guide.

    Initial build:
    --Tech 0 factories added for faster initial build. Probably wouldn't want to start game with air as small groups of aircraft are easy to counter.

    --Orbital fabbers and combat fabbers can't build teleporters. Only commanders and advanced(non-combat) fabbers can.
    --Transports can transport only land units but not commander.
    --Unit cannon can't build fabbers.
    --Combat factories have double build power per price but use more energy. Useful for faster base building on enemy-controlled territory. Can be build by combat fabbers only (in addition to vanilla there is an air combat fabber).

    Some units.

    Land defenses:
    --Combat fabbers can build extra turrets and artillery.
    --Vanilla artillery is better against units with much health (structures, commander, if it's not moving). Plasma artillary and missile launcher are be tter against big groups of units.

    Land mobile:
    --Swarms of Doxes are good against heavy units, especially artillery.
    --Sompers(adv assault bot), shotgun tanks are good against Doxes.
    --Sniper bots are good against all bots. Or at least they should be, didn't test thoroughly.
    --Raptor bot(t2) is better against defences than some other units. Also probably good against tanks. Needs testing. May change.
    --Losng range units (missile bot, artillery tank, mortar tank) are good against whateve has less range. Missile bot, mortar tank are better against big groups of units. artillery is better against defenses.
    --Flame bot is good against unprotected structures.
    --Raptor bot and heavy tank are only amphibious units besides commander. Heavy tank has torpedoes.
    --Megatank is super destructive but can be counter by longer range units.

    --Tech 0 torpedo boat and Barracuda(t1 sub) have torpedoes. Torpedoes are good against naval, but not so good against naval structures.
    --Only torpedoes and t2 bomber bombs can hit submerged units.
    --Submarines can see mobile naval units, torpedo launcher and sonars on radar. Some naval units (scout, destroyer battleship, subs) can see subs on radar.
    --Radar can't detect subs. Sonar, sea scout and battleship can.
    --Stingray(missile ship) has short range anti-surface missiles but no anti-air.
    --Kraken(missile sub) has long-range tactical missiles.

    --Basic fighter will target fighters first, interceptor will target bombers first. I intended to make it so that fighters beat interceptors if both groups cost the same.
    --I wanted Phoenix to be orbital fighter as well as air, but it was acting buggy, so it's only air as in vanilla.
    --Kestrel (gunship) has special fire attack - anti-surface missile.
    --There is t2 bomber that fires missiles and another one that drops bombs that can hit submerged units.
    --Transport and spy plane have point defense (can shot down missiles near itself in low quantities).
    --Spy plane is invisible to radar.

    --Buzzer is weakest, only good against unarmed orbital. Or at least it will be in future update.
    --Fighter - good against orbital artillery.
    --Destroyer - good againt fighters.
    --Artillery - good against destroyer.
    --Bombardment spaceship - good against big groups of surface units, has no anti orbital weapons.
    --SXX - better then bombardment ship for snipes and building destruction, but worse fo large groups of units destruction.
    --None of surface units other then Umbrella can attack orbital or drop pods.

    --Superunits can be build with advanced fabbers.
    --Gunship and bot have AA.
    --Bot is long range.
    --Tank has most DPS.

    Update 58 (17 jun 2015)

    Fixed: naval advanced fabber is buildable.

    Update 57 (11 jun 2015)

    Fixed teleporter crash.

    Update 56 (10 jun 2015)

    Updated for game version 82834.
    Basic orbital defense can now shoot down unit cannon pods.

    Update 55 (01 jun 2015)

    Fixed AI for game version 82369.

    Update 54 (01 jun 2015)

    Updated for game version 82369.
    No other changes this time, working on the big thing in the backgroung.

    Update 5.3 (26 apr 2015)

    Fixed mine and Boom bot crash.
    Fixed tactical missile shooing at the ground.
    New build bar that fits in lowres screens.
    Superusnits now buildable with non-combat advanced fabbers too.
    Units now can fire at submerged land units. Submerged superunits and commander can fire at non-submerged units. It is not possible to make it so that land units can fire at submerged superunits only, so it's ether they can fire at all submerged land units or non (Megabot is always way high above the water).

    Avaliable on PAMM.

    Update 5.2 (8 apr 2015)

    Raptor bot no longer amphibious.
    Missile ship fire rate decresased two times to sync with animation. Health increased from 1000 to 2500.
    Missile sub health increased from 1000 to 1500.
    Destroyer health increased from 1000 to 1500.
    Frigate health increased from 750 to 1000.
    Experimental bot added. (Buildable with advanced vehicle combat fabber.)
    Experimental gunship added. (Buildable with advanced vehicle combat fabber.)
    Other small changes.

    Avaliable on PAMM.

    Experimental gunship in action.

    Update 5.1 (19 mar 2015)

    Added basic orbital defense.
    Umbrella firing range: 240 -> 300.
    Deepspace radar covers entire planet with radar but does not have celestial radar. (For whatever reason having celestial radar or sight gives sight coverage of all orbital, so I removed it.)
    Nuke/commander explosion no longer damages orbital.
    Advanced artillery firing range: 500 -> 800.
    Plasma artillery firing range: 500 -> 600.
    [Combat fab buildable] artillery firing range: 350 -> 400.
    TML,Kraken firing range: 350 -> 400.
    Megatank nerfed, now transportable by Astraeus.
    Commander now transportable by Astraeus.
    Some AA changes.
    Frigate animtree fixed.
    Other small changes.

    Big strategic icons: important icons now bigger.

    Avaliable on PAMM.

    Basic orbital defense.

    Update 5.0 (13 mar 2015)

    Bug fixes:
    -Interplanetary fighter in-game as it was supposed to be for some time.
    -Teleporter cost reduced from 10000 to 5000 as it was supposed to be for some time.
    -Othes small fixes.
    New units added:
    -Point defense vehicle (shots down small tactical missiles).
    -Radar vehicle (replaced land scout, which is now light attack vehicle).
    -Advanced combat fabrication vehicle.
    -Megatank, can be build by advanced combat fabber.
    -Medium range artillery (uses scaled down old advanced artillery model), can be build by advanced combat fabber.
    -Orbital bombardment spaceship.
    Other stuff:
    -Wall is wider.
    -Plasma artillery now can be build by advanced combat fabber only.
    -Basic combat fabbers and advanced vehicle combat fabber don't auto repair.
    -Advanced bot combat fabber can auto-repair, but can build nothing.

    Avaliable on PAMM.

    Post history:
    [WIP] [Server] ModX
    Last edited: August 11, 2015
    trgman, xankar, mishtakashi and 7 others like this.
  2. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Would you mind if I reuse your shotgun code in a rebalance mod?
  3. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    The cost difference in t1 threw me a bit; once I adjusted the unit mix thing went much better. Looks like everything uses energy to fire? Probably won't have time to dig into it, but the one game was fun.
  4. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Another balance mod, oh boy! :D

    Competition won't stop springing up. Just you wait, 30 re-balance mods eventually. :p
  5. zx0

    zx0 Well-Known Member

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    I don't mind, it's just five guns firing at the same time :)
  6. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Out of curiosity, why'd you give the inferno the shotgun? I thought it was fine as it is. I would have given it to the slammer.
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  7. zx0

    zx0 Well-Known Member

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    Because inferno would be just a weaker version version of vanguard and I wanted units to be more unique. Less of a point to have both especially when there is a flame bot. As for slammer, it plays it's purpose already as anti-dox unit because of higher range, but has less dps, makin doxes more useful unprotected buildings and some other stuff.
  8. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    How exactly did you add units to the game? I still can't manage to get it to show up in the factory's build bare.
  9. zx0

    zx0 Well-Known Member

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    1) Copypast unit .json files, make some changes. 2) Add unit_list.josn(was already there, were removed from the game at some point). 3) Add to build.js. In square brackets there is a category and a build bar slot 0-15 left to right top to bottom.
  10. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    0-14 only! 15 is an invalid value. Not accessible by shortcuts and most likely won't be displayed either.
  11. zx0

    zx0 Well-Known Member

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    True, my bad.
  12. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    The main issue I see is that everything is a glass cannon. Everything except tanks dies in one shot to everything, and tanks are one shot by bombers. While the ideas you have here have promise, at present the mod fails to create a compelling balance.
  13. zx0

    zx0 Well-Known Member

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    I understand what you mean. It wasn't my intention in the first place for thing to die that fast, but it just turned out like this and I kinda liked it. Because stuff happens faster it's harder to control and one small mistake doesn't necessary leads to defeat. I also like many explosions :) I may change things later though.
  14. zx0

    zx0 Well-Known Member

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    Updated for build 70289. Two new units added (fighter and aa vehicle).
    Download link at the original post.
  15. zx0

    zx0 Well-Known Member

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  16. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Those turrets look amazingsauce.

    The dox RoF...

    Tanks one shot each other?
  17. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Well fast dieing units isn't much of a problem so long as units are quicker to build.
  18. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Ants cost 200 metal, factories build at 10 metal per second. Tanks take over twice as long to build as they do in vanilla.

    EDIT: Ignore this. I was being a derp in this post.
    Last edited: October 11, 2014
  19. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    What about fodder.......I mean dox?
  20. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Dox cost half that of tanks. Factories build at the same rate. Dox die after 20 shots from another dox (they shoot 10 shots per second from each arm, or 20 shots total) and are one shot by just about anything else.

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