So finally, it looks like I've come across something i don't know how to fix. The nvidia shadowplay game capture icon does not show at the bottom of the screen when i start PA, and obviously does not shadow nor record gameplay. Yes, ALL of my drivers are up to date. Here are my specs: GTX 770 8GB RAM i5 3570K @ 4.2 Ghz Windows 7 home p. It might have something to do with fullscreen and windowed mode, but the button in setting seems 'locked' to windowed. The game is still taking up the entire screen like borderless (when i press the windows key, the taskbar pops up without exiting the game). I have this on steam, and have tried just about every launch option to force fullscreen. Shadowplay works on every other game, btw. Maybe it's just not implemented? Let me know if you need more info. Thanks in advance. Also, i'm not sure which DirectX version this game is, which can make a difference.
the game runs opengl3.0 because DirectX wouldn't run Linux and mac. It doesn't run real fullscreen, most games moving to emulated fullscreen via borderless window, because flexibility. I thought shadowplay was capable of capturing screen instead of game, or capturing window. Tons of games I see streamed don't fullscreen. the game has twitch capture somehow too in its options, so I'm not sure exactly on the topic.
Shadowplay finally supports desktop capture? Since when? All I know is that you could only record fullscreen games.
Thanks guys, i was at school so sorry for the late response. I did not know it is OpenGL anyway, usually DX is used these days (with my games, at least). It's pretty funny that you mentioned desktop capture, it came out today haha. According to that thread, there is STILL no reason to make this game fullscreen capatable. Know why? Because Shadowplay doesn't support opengl anyway. Not requiring opengl would, well, defeat the entire design of PA. The whole thing. All of it. Might as well port PA somehow to the Unreal engine. Or you can use the brand new deskcapture. AND ninja'd my post. lol.