Give us Shields! Come on!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by wbonx, May 27, 2014.

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  1. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    i'm sorry perhaps I'm blind deaf and dumb but I seem to be misinterpreting his words, then.
  2. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    You wanna qoute polls take this one

    it has a bigger sample size and is as such more accurate.

    Even still both polls are to small to take any accurate guess from them in the first place. So of course supporting evidence is allowed. No one can simply handwave away facts. The point is that there are no facts to begin with regarding the will of the community.
  3. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    I thought my post was pretty clear that I was talking about up-to PA 1.0 I'll edit it for clarity.

    Edit: done.
  4. spainardslayer

    spainardslayer Well-Known Member

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    That poll is two years old and before anyone was able to play the game. How is that accurate?

    Just because it has more participants doesn't mean it's better.
  5. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    It's much more accurate? The OP asks to abandon any attempts at a tutorial.

    Or are we selectively ignoring that for the sake of . . . something?

    There is evidence regarding the will of the community. The counterarguments you're asking for have been made, many, many times before.

    They're in the poll thread linked by brian (it's the main reason he linked it; because you were asking for counterarguments). People generally aren't a fan of rewriting essays if you cannot be bothered to read the original answers. And don't tell me you don't have time; you've spent enough time in this thread.
    BulletMagnet likes this.
  6. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    I have said it before and I ll say it again - both threads are inaccurate. Their sample size is way to small to even guess a bigger picture from any of them.

    And still even if those polls held any accountability at all, they'd be naught and null if Uber decides that shields are the way to go for the game.

    Look, you guys are saying this time and again. If there really were so many arguments already made - why not just go and copy paste those you need in order to shut my arguments down? It doesnt get easier then this. Or maybe there are not that many arguments to your side - maybe there is nothing but smoke and mirrors, just to shoot those down who are to insecure to argue their stance.

    Me and those arguing pro shields in this thread however refuse to be shut down by your bullying tactics.

    To bad this forum provides me with the tools to look up what has actually been said before. Please dont make up stuff on the spot just to insult me.

    I have actually read the thread in question and did not find any essays in there at all. Let me just ask you back - did YOU read the linked thread? Because if you would have you would have seen that it is a small 2 page thread arguing if we need yet annother thread. No arguments pro or contra shields at all.

    As for your time argument - way to shoot yourself into the foot there. It is clear you yourself did not read the linked thread. You and the whole anit shield faction are generating nothing but hot air and low effort comments. All the while trying to avoid actually arguing about shields.

    Its quite funny to watch you guys squirm around and ignoring anything that may come close to an argument. I think you guys already know that shields are the way to go. You know that shields will do the game much good, but you refuse to acknowledge that because of your ... pride? I have honestly no idea.
    fouquet likes this.
  7. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Thoughts to and for shields are everywhere there is the word Shields. I mean I don't own or play this game yet though a quick search I found a very well said post of what the actual issue/s may be. It was also just posted Wednesday.
    I really tried to find the old grand be all shields thread from a year ago but no luck. I think some of the bigger threads are in the backer only area which I am not.
  9. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    no they are not, backer only area wasn't ever used. you'll have to search the forum using google. the internal search engine limits results to most recent.
  10. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    "quite a bit" is not enough for the difficulty of implemention and ballance of shields

    there clearly wont be shields on release ... however uber stated they MIGHT think about implenting them in some way in the future

    the omni annihilator ... it annihilates just everything ... .... done
    Last edited: June 1, 2014
  11. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    What is and isnt enough to implement shields is only for Uber to decide.

    I have spoken to a few guys I know who are also software engineers and everyone of them estimated the workload of an initial implementation of shields to be around 8h. I know that this means nothing at all until Uber actually comes out and tells us their estimated workload needed to implement shields, but until then I would like everyone to stop saying that implementing shields would be an impossibly hard thing to do.

    Please try and stay on topic. If you want to discuss funny SciFi ideas or whatever please do so in a thread dedicated to funny SciFi things and not here.
  12. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    i gave anwers in that post regarding the topic .. no need for you to complain

    they are free to mod it in then or go try and make their own rts with shields
    people are free to say whatever they want .. deal with it ...
    i personaly don´t care about shields ... i don´t realy see a need for them ...
    rather then shields i would have anti artillery and missile PD´s
    Last edited: June 2, 2014
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Let's look at the big picture right now. Uber seem to be mainly focused on balance, polish. network optimization and core feature additions (namely GW). Implementing shields now would just go against the work flow I think. It's obvious they are really trying to get to that 1.0 release. Getting shields in the game and working is just the tip of the iceberg and would only further delay this process.
  14. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    I think a lot of people already understand this, Uber have plans set in motion already for 1.0. Would be nice to get them in after 1.0 though, for me anyway.
  15. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    Sure I need to complain if you guys start discussing things other than shields in a thread about shields. Just because you also talk about shields does not mean you get a free pass on talking about anything you feel like bringing up at the moment.

    Way to take my quote out of context and applie it to annother quote.

    Is what I replied to. This clearly translates to that there wont ever be shields because it's just not worth it. Just because you flip flop in your own post doesnt mean you get to pick and choose wich part I can criticise or to what part my criticism is applied to.

    And once again - a mod is not what we want to get. We want a vanilla implementation of shields for reasons discussed before. As for people guessing the amount of work needed for shields - sure they can guess however much they want, that does not mean I cant point out that their guess is probably wrong.
  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    "Rome wasn't built in a day."

    The exclusion of some features at 1.0 release is not a bad thing. As long as 1.0 is a solid, polished and enjoyable experience we can only expand and grow from there. There are plans for continued Post-Release support. The 1.0 release is not the end all, be all version of the game even with modding excluded. If Uber decide shields are to be added to the game they will put manpower and their resources into developing it.
  17. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    what don´t you understand about that sentence?
    it says uber simply doesn´t plan to have them before 1.0
    after that it is all open to be thought about

    wrong! ... see above again ...

    speak for yourself i and many others don´t want them at all
    also what guarantee is there that your guys are right with their estimation?
    it doesn´t matter how long it takes to implement shields ... the issue is balancing ... and that takes far longer

    also things that have modded befpre may become vanila later, THAT is why uber allows that high ammount of modability once the game is out ...

    and please use propper quote boxes
    Last edited: June 2, 2014
  18. spainardslayer

    spainardslayer Well-Known Member

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    @nehekaras Where were you when @bradaz85 de-railed the thread with the whole humans vs robots thing?

    Anyways, even if shields only take 8 hours to implement, then more development time will then be needed to balance them, add proper counters, fix bugs, etc.

    I'd rather see that time go towards something like the unit cannon, but I can accept the fact that it will come in post-release. Uber has stated that shields may come post-release as well. I know that you want shields in the vanilla game, but in the mean time try to mod them in.

    The server mod functionality was added in recently ( so go knock yourself out.
  19. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    Allright one more time

    This is what I was talking about.

    and once again

    Just because you later backpedal does not mean you are suddenly right with this statement.

    Nope. Taking my statements out of context and then saying Im wrong is just bad form all around again. But I guess that is to be expected by now from you anti shield guys.

    I was actually quoting your mistake. Sorry for not fixing your post for you. But good job at being condescending to yourself I guess.

    As for balancing taking longer then the actual implementation. Yes you are right, that is why I feel it is best to implement shields right now in order to spread out the balance workload needed for shields over a longer period with more data available to Uber.
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    So, if I may ask again to help bring this thread back around, what problem/s are there that adding shields to the game helps fix currently?
    Pendaelose and nehekaras like this.
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