Coming up soon... Server Mods!

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by chargrove, May 22, 2014.

  1. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    So then is the issue entirely with the source of the .fbx then? I thought it was that PLUS the issue getting ANY .fbx into a .papa format?

    I guess one could also say that there are other issues as well, we might know the formats but we don't quite fully know the exact methodology used by Uber to create the Meshes and such quite yet as well.

  2. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    My Instant Sandbox mod might be helpful with this. I was thinking about rewriting it on top of the Galactic War API (set_config) because it's just one call (and because it enables unit editing, which might be somewhat moot) Now I'm wondering if set_config will be compatible with server mods?
  3. chargrove

    chargrove Uber Alumni

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    Galactic War and server mods are separate ecosystems for now, due to the needs and timing of their development.

    We will eventually roll all this stuff under one umbrella, but it's all brand new and needs to mature a bit first before we can do that. Baby steps. :) For now I recommend thinking of GW and server mods as their own things.
    wondible likes this.
  4. chargrove

    chargrove Uber Alumni

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    Oh and Garat let me know that build 66863-main is now up on PTE; he'll do a stream update post about it soon.

    I haven't tried this build yet myself, and won't get a chance to until late tomorrow (family stuff). But I'm sure you adventurous folks will have fun digging around with it.

    Enjoy; I'll check back in soon :)
    wondible likes this.
  5. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    Ha cool


    Testing :)

    And it works !

    What's the special keycombo to reload the mod oh it's (ctrl+alt+p) ? Cool stuff working nice.
    Last edited: May 31, 2014
    someonewhoisnobody and Quitch like this.
  6. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    Oh bye the way ctrl+alt+p seems to do something but it don't fully reload it I think.

    First balance mod attached :) A Super Fast moving commander that can see way too much.

    And just tested with another player ! It works beautifully.
    Anyway to turn cheats on/off ?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 31, 2014
  7. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Can you mount entire folders? I just made a server mod which should change the health of every unit and building to 3 times it's normal amount.

    Edit: You can turn it on/off by going to the server mods folder and editing the .json to "false" rather than "true"
    Last edited: May 31, 2014
  8. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    Yeah but I want to activate my mod but deactivate the cheats.
  9. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    How do you activate mods exactly? I tried merging all my files with the old ones, replacing the old .jsons.
  10. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Question: How can a client prevent the usage of a server mod that is positioned in the server_modes directory?
    Background: PA Stats automatches should ignore any server mods the players may have installed. So I need to create a server-mod free game from js.

    Also do I understand correctly that for now this stuff mostly allows us to modify the files we already know from the client? So we mostly create a client mod, but one that can also modify unit definitions and the like? I personally can't wait for actual server side gameplay scripting :p Patience is required I guess.
  11. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I don't think you just replace your client side files, as I did so earlier and I was stuck in the planet generation for some reason...
  12. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    Yeah this is purely shadowing for the moment.
    I'm gonna check if you can find out if servermods are running in live_game.js. Well you probably can find out in the lobby...
  13. burntcustard

    burntcustard Post Master General

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    So how long, soon? ;) The Galactic War card system is really powerful for modifying a large amount of units with just one .js file, and would probably be a lot nicer for clients to send around than 100 shadowed unit .jsons?.. I'm pretty confident with that system (finally got op: 'add' working NOW I CAN DO ANYTHING), and it would be great for helping conflicting mods not to screw up, and to have mods that stack (e.g. include 2 copies of a 2x speed mod to get 4x speed).
  14. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    Uh, what happens if we shadow AI configs?

    Doesn't make much sense to touch the neural networks since the json files aren't exactly self-explaining, but platoons and build orders appear to be very easy to modify.

    If I'm getting this right, then we can teach the AI rather easily to perform proper interplanetary assaults.
    Last edited: May 31, 2014
  15. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Why the redundancy? Having a separate directory is going to require mod manager updates. If it was just an attribute, the managers could use a GUI update to highlight it, but would still work.
  16. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    new_game crashes if the server_mods folder doesn't exist (OS X) It doesn't need to have files, but the directory must exist.
  17. chargrove

    chargrove Uber Alumni

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    Wow you all sure hopped on this fast! Figured out some of the cheat stuff too I see. Great! :)

    Turning off cheats should just involve taking them out of the mount order in your server_mods mods.json file. That's the intent anyway; let me know if that doesn't fix it for you.

    The redundancy and mod manager impact was deliberate, since these mods behave very differently and have their own mount order, so they shouldn't be accidentally entangled with purely client mods. My mental picture was that a mod manager could just have two lists you could tab between, one for client and one for server; the mod manager UI impact should then be less this way than if I had combined them and made the mount order all confusing. I hope that makes sense. :)

    I've got family commitments today,
    but will be back tonight to talk more about some of my plans for next steps, such as server scripting.

    Have fun and be good! :D
    stuart98 likes this.
  18. chargrove

    chargrove Uber Alumni

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    Whoa, seriously? If true, that's a silly oversight of me; sorry about that. Should be easy to check/fix on Monday. In the meantime, good catch! :)
  19. moonwerewolf

    moonwerewolf Member

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    Will it be possible to disable mods from the server lobby, or do the host need to quit the game, and move the mods out from the mod folder to disable them?
  20. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Was it intended that we should copy the cheat mods to the server_mods folder, or did I just do something wrong? I assumed that stock mods would just need their identifier specified, but you know what they say about assumptions.

    Vision flags only work in devmode, though control also grants vision in normal mode.

    Tips for users:

    To copy a unit, you don't select it; it copies the unit currently under the cursor.

    Discovered by accident: build avatar doesn't create the unit immediately, it puts it in the unit clipboard; use paste to actually create it.

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