eXodus eSports Community Cup Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by thesambasti, May 25, 2014.

  1. thesambasti

    thesambasti Member

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    So just like usual, feedback for the event! News post coming up, will post it in here as well.

    Either leave feedback here, or put it in our viewer survey.
    cwarner7264 and Quitch like this.
  2. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Don't care for the black color with the new icons; I had it both games.
  3. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    Yo yo yo,
    so let's see. From my point of view the tournament was truly epic. The production team and our preparation were really put under heavy pressure here, but I believe it all turned out nice.

    It still saddens me a bit that I have to be very strict about the rules and that a lot of kicking out of the tournament had to happen due to late showups and not meeting the mod requirements. I hope you guys got a lecture today and everything will be fine next time.

    Also I hope you are now more familiar with IRC. If you struggle, why don't you read our How to IRC guide? http://exodusesports.com/guides/using-irc-during-a-tournament/

    I have to say that some matches surprised me and we found some new talents tonight. I would love to see all the guys who made it further into the tournament to participate in more competitive games, it only can be good for the esports community we are building here in eXodus with every tournament!

    I would greatly insist on you guys to fill our viewer survey (and player to fill in the player survey, that is emailed to you). You can find it here: http://exodusesports.com/survey-community-cup/
    This will help us to improve even more for the future tournaments.

    Thanks everyone for participating, thanks to the viewers for supporting us. Big big thank to the background team, this would be possible without you guys! Many claps for both casting teams, I enjoyed both channel's commentary, it was truly amazing in some tense moments (that relief in THAT game ... you all know which one I am talking about :D). And of course, thanks Uber for providing us with the keys for the game!

    And as always ... #HYPE.
    Tripax and thesambasti like this.
  4. mayhemster

    mayhemster Well-Known Member

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    I thought it was very well run. the organisers were very quick to sort out the no-shows at the start
    Quitch likes this.
  5. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    Thanks, it is always the hardest job to deal with - the no show ups. Unfortunatelly there is no efficient way to prevent this, so I personally hope that we get more disciplined participants in future.
  6. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    One thing we'd definitely like to understand is how people managed to get into games against the wrong opponent. We had a few of those, but we really don't understand why. We had postings in IRC and brackets listed. Would be interested to hear from anyone who ended up in the wrong game (by PM If you prefer).
  7. tohron

    tohron Active Member

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    The brackets kept getting changed around - my first round opponent changed at least four times. I'd actually PMed AndreasG to set up a game before refreshing the brackets, and realizing my opponent had changed to Call me Graham.
    Quitch likes this.
  8. ViolentMind

    ViolentMind Active Member

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    I posted this in my comments....while I didn't get into a game with the wrong opponent, it was kind of unsettling to have the brackets completely change a few times at the last second, and that could have been the reason. I realize that was due to the no shows, and you were just trying to keep the competition through the rounds as tight as possible, without having all of the forfeits. However, I think that most competitive players kind of prepare for who they are going to play (at least through the first few rounds), and when that completely changed, it meant that all of that research time went out the window. At the very least, I think that it would have meant less work for the organizers to just allow the forfeits, and let the brackets play out as they originally created it. In the end, I doubt it would have had much of an effect on the outcome, or enjoyment, of the tournament. It would also be interesting if you had the ability to designate who won by forfeit in the brackets.

    Lastly, I think that there should have been a warning to those who lost only because they did not have their PA Stats turned on. I know for a fact that some people actually won their game, only to find that they lost due to the strict PA Stats rule. As long as one person has it on, the results are still reported, so just one warning in my opinion would have been sufficient to correct that situation. The strict PA Stats rule was the only thing that kinda ruined it for a few people. Other than that, it was a great tournament.
    Last edited: May 26, 2014
    cptconundrum and Quitch like this.
  9. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    Really liked the map set for this tournament. Surprisingly alot of positional depth in each one. Except the one with the trees, but only because of the trees. Otherwise, interesting spawn positions on that one too.

    semi and final main planets were especially awesome, although i would have added a 3rd halley planet for the semi-finals map :p. Especially since the only other planet was mostly water (more limited ability to astreus drop or teleporter).

    Must have taken a heap of time getting these incredible planet settings! I will still not understand how you guys managed to find such a good map layout as the semi finals main lava planet
    Clopse and Quitch like this.
  10. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Yeah these guys must spend a lot of time on these maps. Always well impressed by them. Played a few games yesterday on them. Great work tripax and whoever else does it.
    Tripax likes this.
  11. Nullimus

    Nullimus Well-Known Member

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    Can't find the games in the game replay viewer and the registry mod to hook the link into PA is not working.
  12. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    I've been thinking about this a lot and want to change some things to prevent this from happening.
    But then people will need to start reading their mails and read the rules. Also what's up with people signing up talking big in forums and then never showing up ? If you gonna do that at least notify us. Next one will have a ban list with offenders for sure !

    For the strict PA Stats rule well :
    I'm sorry if I was harsh this tournament to some people but it had to happen.
    There is a lot of automation going on behind the scenes, managing such an amount of people with our limited staff ain't easy. If you have PAStats activated as both players we can manage a whole lot more. It's actually the most important rule we have ! It's the difference between having supermanvision or being blind.

    Anyway we are going to send out a survey to all players this week. Be sure to fill it in then and give us some proper feedback.
    Quitch likes this.
  13. Tripax

    Tripax Member

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    The trees were an essential part (-:

    Systems from the Community Cup will be there to find under the normal eXodus eSports System Sharing server (for some reason it doesn't hold any planets at this moment).

    I did indeed invest a significant amount of time in finding some nice topologies.
    One must be quite persisting with the current state of the editor.
    Spawns and mex distribution are a hard nut to crack if you want to hold on to a topology, luckily I had great support in that aspect.

    Thanks for the support elodea and clopse. I'm well aware that opinions may vary, but it's great to have positive feedback from quality players.
    cptconundrum, shootall and Quitch like this.
  14. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    The brackets of course do change BEFORE the tournament. You are not supposed to start or arrange your matches unless you are told that the final brackets had been published. I don't see why is this so difficult to understand. This is the main reason you are present on IRC.

    The problem with wrong matches was actually in Round 2, not in Round 1. That is why this is such a mystery for us, how the hell did anyone arrange a wrong match in Round 2.

    The only option we have to prevent from this so call brackets changing (which is not any changing at all, it is bracket creation) before the tournament is that we hide it completely and publish it the last minute.
  15. ViolentMind

    ViolentMind Active Member

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    Again, I really think that you should just create and publish the bracket as soon as possible after the tournament is full. At that point, it stays as is and should not change. If there are no shows, then fill them in with stand-byes. To this point, maybe you need to up the number of stand by players to account for large numbers of no shows. If there are not enough standby players, then people get byes to Round 2. Seems simple enough, and reduces player confusion, and effort on the part of the organizers.

    As to why there were matches that started incorrectly in Round 2, that I *think* was because of the elimination penalty imposed by playing without PA Stats turned on in Round 1. That could have been done by mistake (I almost did it), and the penalty for doing so might have been a bit too harsh in my opinion. In my case, the player I should have played in Round 2, because he actually won his game, was eliminated for no PA Stats, and was never actually told that he lost for that reason, until I told him so. The default winner was never informed either. They should have been informed in game, instead of being allowed to play it out for over 20 mins while we waited (mandatory Spectator slots may have helped here, so organizers only could interrupt the game and inform the players about the loss). If I didn't inquire about the reason myself, we would have started our game together incorrectly. As I said in my previous post, the confusion and frustration that this caused a few players was the only blight on what was in general a great tournament.
    Quitch likes this.
  16. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    Yeah next time we will close sign ups and create a final bracket so that this won't happen again.

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