TotalBiscuit has full-blown cancer :(

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by cwarner7264, May 23, 2014.

  1. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    They don't need to in Australia because we have proper gun laws.
  2. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    Ah, right.
    I often forget that the U.S. gives high-caliber assault rifles to citizens because...
    Because freedoms? I dunno.
  3. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Because it's in their constitution. Never mind that when it was written it took 30 seconds at best to reload a gun.

    Also to keep a "well-regulated militia" or something in case the government becomes all corrupt and evil. Which I find a hilarious reason because they all complain the government is corrupt and evil and yet do not act on their "constitutional right" to "take up arms".
    cola_colin likes this.
  4. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    The constitution was written over 200 years ago, it's no longer relevant.
    But then again, America's a country that still lets the freaking BIBLE dictate laws (see: gay marriage, abortion), so I guess clinging to the past is just an American thing.

    Sometimes I wish the world didn't need the U.S. so we could just nuke embargo them until they agree to catch up with the rest of the American/Oceanic/European part of the world.
    kvalheim and Geers like this.
  5. infinitycanvas

    infinitycanvas Well-Known Member

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  6. kazzymodus

    kazzymodus Active Member

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    Unfortunately we would have to embargo a lot of other countries as well, otherwise it wouldn't be... well, fair. We would keep Antartica, probably, but there's not that much to get there.

    On a side not, I didn't read the previous posts, so I'm kinda curious as to what this has to do with cancer.

    EDIT: Now I do. Interesting conversation. Bit off-topic but I hope it can continue.
  7. thebigpill

    thebigpill Well-Known Member

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    I wish America was as simple as the internetz makes it seem.

    Also best wishes to TB. Not a fan, but he keeps people informed who otherwise would remain ignorant.
  8. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    It's really not that complex either, most American politicians are just too stupid to realize how simple it actually is.
    I mean let's say the constitution was still relevant and should still be used to judge laws, then it has been broken a multitude of times.

    Here are a few of my favorite examples:

    Amendment #1's first prohibition:
    "Prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion"

    Then why do so many states still follow the bible when making laws? (again, see: abortion, gay marriage)
    "Well, because of the establishment clause" I hear Americans all over the world say.
    Yes, because legalizing things that you don't have to do automatically makes it harder for you to follow your religion.

    Amendment #1's second prohibition:
    "Prohibits the making of any law impeding the free exercise of religion"
    Ah, yes. So I suppose those states where creationism is taught in schools as fact rather than as theory but teaches evolution as theory creating a one-sided pro religion (meaning it also breaks the above statement) are just immune to that one, eh?
    Or the states who's government demonizes evolution?
    Hm, well fair enough good ol' U.S of A I guess not everything in the constitution needs to be followed.
    Good thing your citizens don't defend it with swords and shields or anything, because if they did that'd make the U.S. seem... *gasp* hypocritical!
    And we all know that couldn't be possible, amirite guys?

    Amendment #1's third prohibition:
    "Prohibits the making of any law abridging the freedom of speech"
    Yep, you can't abridge free speech in America, guess that means that police officers stopping even peaceful protests with pepper spray isn't allowed.
    Oh wait it's actually encouraged by the US government because in a free nation we can't let our people express their thoughts freely.
    Heh. Oh, America... you're so adorable :>

    Amendment #13
    "Abolishes slavery, and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime."
    Ah yes, so I guess that whole drafting thing during WWI was just... semi-involuntary.
    Yeah, those people who were told to either go to death or to prison sure were some good old volunteers taking the bullet for Uncle Sam weren't they?

    I could go on but I believe my point's been made.

    In short, the US is a stupid country run by stupid presidents voted in by stupid people who have absolutely no idea how their own stupid constitution works.
    See? Simple.
  9. poiuasd

    poiuasd Well-Known Member

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    What's wrong with public election? The majority don't have a *** clue about what they're even voting for, maybe they picked their guy based on their looks or because they're homosexual.
  10. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Just gonna put this here:
    websterx01 likes this.
  11. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    I'm just saying, if they're going to teach creationism at all in schools it should at the very worst case be treated equally and be called a theory.

    Remember, according to the states where evolution is demonized, a scientific theory basically means "Someone might have had a bit of a hunch."

    And until congress grows a brain and realizes "oh ****, these guys are morons let's take over for a bit" that's all they'll ever think scientific theories are.
    It's sad, really.
    Geers likes this.
  12. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    your trying two hard :-]


    totalbiscuit is a pure blooded american and will be fine
  13. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    I'm trying too hard?
    I'm not the guy trying to remain patriotic for a country that's basically become China's bitch but whatever bruh believe in whatever sordid dilusion you choose to believe in ;]
  14. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the credible insight, but Jesus just gave me a heads up sayin 'tsall gonna be aight:cool:

    Can't argue with real god. Never forget
    arseface and infinitycanvas like this.
  15. infinitycanvas

    infinitycanvas Well-Known Member

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    I feel sorry for the people who don't love their country with undying, blind loyalty.
    arseface, thebigpill and Geers like this.
  16. Orome

    Orome Well-Known Member

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    You know I yet to hear someone from some country that knows anything about the person they are voting for except the promises they make. It really feels like a poor quality theater here in greece to the point that there are 3 popular shows on TV dedicated to making fun of that theater.
  17. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    We do our research. As it turns out, the arse who wants to raise university fees to ludicrous levels protested against a $250 fee in his youth.
  18. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    Mm. Right I'm sure he did, tell old Christy I said 'hey'.

    Also just to point out, Totalbiscuit lives in the UK.
  19. thebigpill

    thebigpill Well-Known Member

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    Hmmmhmm and how about the position of Afro-Americans in the US, or its latent racism in general? How are they going to solve the deadlock and polar- and radicalisation of a two-party political system? Or the reliance of politicians on money for election and subsequent power of lobby groups and corporations? What about their dependence on foreign energy resources? What is their position in world politics now that China is gaining economic momentum and Russia is exerting its power? The extreme segregation of different classes and ethnicities? The disinterest of the population in the democratic process? The national debt? The drug problems?

    I could go on but I believe my point's been made.

    By going "lol america u so dumb" you're in the exact same category as the flag waving rednecks.
    arseface likes this.
  20. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Not to spoil anyone's fun, but infinity, Knickles and a few others like making outrageous statements, just to see how people react.

    Mind you, they may really believe the statements, or not.. but I wouldn't react too strong to anything they say. ;-)

    And bundling an entire country into one group of thinking is pretty intellectually lazy. We have 50 states, with 318 million people, with federal laws, state laws, municipal laws, and a host of other crazy stuff. It's incredibly complex, and fixing it isn't as simple is "Dur, vote for right peopls!!!". Most complex systems have complex problems that require complex solutions.

    And.. how is this thread about our friend Total Biscuit? Never mind. I'll go back to telling people to behave in other threads. ;)
    LavaSnake, Geers and igncom1 like this.

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