This was a nice brief exchange For your future reference, OP, here's a couple of links to the FAQ and confirmed features threads
There is nothing wrong with daily threads that ask for ranked games and pause buttons imho Those are the 2 features that will very likely push my personal playtime a week up by like 20 hours.
No problem Although for future reference, I recommend using the search bar before making new topics, if it's a "when will x be in the game" or a "will X be in the game" it's more than likely been asked (and answered) before.
Yes. Take a look at the confirmed features list:
Yes. It is listed in the confirmed features thread.
Actually that confirmed feature thread could use a tidy up. Ice and water planets are in, the original TA announcer won't be and Jon Mavor should have finished crunching by now.....
The real question is what would a ranking system look like? I like PA Stats and all but I find a ranking system that only works for 1v1 and 2v2 a bit limiting. I'd like to see a universal ranking system that can take into account 1v1's, 2v2's, XvY's, FFA's, Team armies, etc, etc, etc, all game types. I think a good way to do that would be to rank people based off the Commanders they've destroyed / the Commanders they've lost. If it's a shared army team then simply divide the points among each member of the team. There is one exception, if you're in a shared army and someone deletes their commander then stack all those negative points on the person that deleted it (anti griefing measure). You can also skew the value of commander kills based of that player's rank vs the player that assassinated them much like how PA Stats works now. And again in teams you simply do the same except with the average team member rank vs their opponent's average team member rank. FFA games using this ranking system would take on a different style as well as the winner would be the most active player who eliminates the most and most highly ranked opponents not the person who turtles and kills the last guy left (although they will still get some points for that).
Well 1v1 ranked would be something to start with. ... and personally I don't even care much what else is added afterwards. But some sort of team ladder and maybe ffa would be nice for many people I guess. But rating purely on commanders destroyed is like rating purely on wins. It has little meaning. You at least need to use something like ELO for a rating that has some meaning and that doesn't work that well with random team compositions. I am all for a dedicated 1v1 rating, dedicated 2v2 rating for fixed teams and well some global rating maybe.
Yeah that's what I mean, kills/deaths plus some ELO for how many points the kills and deaths are worth.