[v.66503 Steam] Galactic war stuck on generating planets

Discussion in 'Support!' started by parallan, May 23, 2014.

  1. parallan

    parallan New Member

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    I bought the game today and played galactic war successfully for 9 games (and 33 turns). But now the game stucks on generating planets.

    Extract from my logs:
    [01:06:36.000] INFO Log file [...]\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\log\PA-01-06-36.000.txt opened
    [01:06:36.015] INFO Looks like we are running via Steam
    [01:06:36.078] ERROR Error reading [...]\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\mods: 3
    [01:06:36.078] INFO Client loaded 0 mods
    [01:06:36.218] INFO HAL initializing...
    [01:06:36.218] INFO OpenGL Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
    [01:06:36.218] INFO OpenGL Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
    [01:06:36.218] INFO OpenGL Version: 4.2.12217 Compatibility Profile Context
    [01:06:36.218] INFO OpenGL Shader Language Version: 4.20
    [01:06:36.218] INFO Vendor flag set to AMD/ATI
    [01:06:36.218] INFO Gamma correct pipeline enabled.
    [01:06:36.218] INFO Ranged mapping enabled.
    [01:06:36.218] INFO Advanced instancing enabled.
    [01:06:36.218] INFO Advanced shader models enabled.
    [01:06:36.218] INFO Buffer textures enabled.
    [01:06:36.218] INFO 4.2.12217 Compatibility Profile Context
    [01:06:36.218] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/post.json
    [01:06:36.437] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/content.json
    [01:06:37.170] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/impostors.json
    [01:06:37.201] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/misc.json
    [01:06:37.295] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/particle.json
    [01:06:37.731] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/scene.json
    [01:06:38.903] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/vtex.json
    [01:06:38.231] INFO Coherent content root: "coui://ui/"
    [01:06:38.231] INFO Coherent host dir: "[...]\\steamapps\\common\\Planetary Annihilation\\bin_x64\\host"
    [01:06:38.231] INFO Coherent local store: "[...]\\AppData\\Local\\Uber Entertainment\\Planetary Annihilation\\localstore"
    [01:06:38.465] WARN nav spec[/pa/units/commanders/avatar/avatar.json] moveSpeed[500] vs brake[700] results in a VERY LARGE distanceToStartBraking[178.571]!!!
    It's recommended that brake be increased or max move speed be decreased so 'distanceToStartBraking' is less than the radius of a small moon[150].
    [01:06:38.605] INFO {{FMOD}} fmod buffer size 5
    [01:06:38.621] INFO Setting graphics to high
    [01:06:38.652] INFO TwitchTV::flushStreamingEvents Twitch state changed
    [01:06:38.652] ERROR twitch tried to send message and no UI.
    [01:06:39.948] INFO client::ClientGame::SystemReady
    [01:06:39.948] INFO CoherentUI::loadUrl ForceSoftwareRendering : 0
    [01:06:39.948] INFO CoherentUI::loadUrl ForceSoftwareRendering : 0
    [01:06:39.948] INFO CoherentUI::loadUrl ForceSoftwareRendering : 0
    [01:06:39.948] INFO CoherentUI::loadUrl ForceSoftwareRendering : 0
    [01:06:39.572] INFO CoherentUI::loadUrl ForceSoftwareRendering : 0
    [01:06:39.572] INFO CoherentUI::loadUrl ForceSoftwareRendering : 0
    [01:06:40.118] INFO Setting graphics to medium
    [01:06:40.118] INFO Setting camera mouse pan speed to 1x
    [01:06:40.118] INFO Setting camera key pan speed to 1x
    [01:06:40.118] INFO Setting camera zoom speed to 1x
    [01:06:40.118] INFO Setting camera friction to 2.5x
    [01:06:40.118] INFO Setting camera edge scroll to off (no mouse lock)
    [01:06:40.118] INFO Setting planet pole lock to off
    [01:06:40.212] WARN nav spec[/pa/units/commanders/avatar/avatar.json] moveSpeed[500] vs brake[700] results in a VERY LARGE distanceToStartBraking[178.571]!!!
    It's recommended that brake be increased or max move speed be decreased so 'distanceToStartBraking' is less than the radius of a small moon[150].
    [01:06:40.305] INFO client::ClientGame::resetGameState
    [01:06:40.305] INFO Mouse constraint cleared.
    [01:06:40.305] INFO ClientInterface constructed
    [01:06:40.305] INFO client::ClientGame::setMusic /Music/Main_Menu_Music
    [01:07:32.113] INFO Setting camera mouse pan speed to 1x
    [01:07:32.113] INFO Setting camera key pan speed to 1x
    [01:07:32.113] INFO Setting camera zoom speed to 1x
    [01:07:32.113] INFO Setting camera friction to 2.5x
    [01:07:32.113] INFO Setting camera edge scroll to off (no mouse lock)
    [01:07:32.113] INFO Setting planet pole lock to off
    [01:07:32.191] WARN nav spec[/pa/units/commanders/avatar/avatar.json] moveSpeed[500] vs brake[700] results in a VERY LARGE distanceToStartBraking[178.571]!!!
    It's recommended that brake be increased or max move speed be decreased so 'distanceToStartBraking' is less than the radius of a small moon[150].
    [01:07:32.269] INFO client::ClientGame::resetGameState
    [01:07:32.269] INFO Mouse constraint cleared.
    [01:07:32.269] INFO ClientInterface constructed
    [01:07:32.269] INFO client::ClientGame::setMusic /Music/Main_Menu_Music_return_from_game
    [01:07:35.093] INFO CoherentUI::loadUrl ForceSoftwareRendering : 0
    [01:08:11.817] INFO client::ClientGame::disableLanLookout
    [01:08:11.114] INFO Setting camera mouse pan speed to 1x
    [01:08:11.114] INFO Setting camera key pan speed to 1x
    [01:08:11.114] INFO Setting camera zoom speed to 1x
    [01:08:11.114] INFO Setting camera friction to 2.5x
    [01:08:11.114] INFO Setting camera edge scroll to off (no mouse lock)
    [01:08:11.114] INFO Setting planet pole lock to off
    [01:08:11.192] WARN nav spec[/pa/units/commanders/avatar/avatar.json] moveSpeed[500] vs brake[700] results in a VERY LARGE distanceToStartBraking[178.571]!!!
    It's recommended that brake be increased or max move speed be decreased so 'distanceToStartBraking' is less than the radius of a small moon[150].
    [01:08:11.270] INFO client::ClientGame::resetGameState
    [01:08:11.270] INFO Mouse constraint cleared.
    [01:08:11.270] INFO ClientInterface constructed
    [01:08:11.270] INFO client::ClientGame::setMusic /Music/Main_Menu_Music_return_from_game
    [01:10:48.316] INFO client::ClientGame::setMusic /Music/Main_Menu_Music
    [01:10:53.778] INFO Setting camera mouse pan speed to 1x
    [01:10:53.778] INFO Setting camera key pan speed to 1x
    [01:10:53.778] INFO Setting camera zoom speed to 1x
    [01:10:53.778] INFO Setting camera friction to 2.5x
    [01:10:53.778] INFO Setting camera edge scroll to off (no mouse lock)
    [01:10:53.778] INFO Setting planet pole lock to off
    [01:10:53.871] WARN nav spec[/pa/units/commanders/avatar/avatar.json] moveSpeed[500] vs brake[700] results in a VERY LARGE distanceToStartBraking[178.571]!!!
    It's recommended that brake be increased or max move speed be decreased so 'distanceToStartBraking' is less than the radius of a small moon[150].
    [01:10:53.965] INFO client::ClientGame::resetGameState
    [01:10:53.965] INFO Mouse constraint cleared.
    [01:10:53.965] INFO ClientInterface constructed
    [01:10:53.965] INFO client::ClientGame::setMusic /Music/Main_Menu_Music_return_from_game
    [01:11:01.560] INFO client::ClientGame::setMusic /Music/Main_Menu_Music
    [01:11:05.758] INFO client::ClientGame::setMusic /Music/Music_GW_board
    [01:11:09.438] WARN nav spec[/pa/units/commanders/avatar/avatar.json.ai] moveSpeed[500] vs brake[700] results in a VERY LARGE distanceToStartBraking[178.571]!!!
    It's recommended that brake be increased or max move speed be decreased so 'distanceToStartBraking' is less than the radius of a small moon[150].
    [01:11:11.560] INFO client::ClientGame::resetGameState
    [01:11:11.560] INFO Mouse constraint cleared.
    [01:11:11.560] INFO ClientInterface constructed
    [01:11:11.607] INFO Connect to worked
    [01:11:12.090] INFO client::ClientGame::connection_LoginAccepted
    [01:11:12.480] INFO CoherentUI::loadUrl ForceSoftwareRendering : 0
    [01:11:13.011] INFO Starting background thread pool with 3 threads
    [01:11:22.950] INFO client::ClientGame::connection_GameConfig
    [01:11:22.950] INFO client::ClientGame::connection_SimCreated
    [01:11:22.059] INFO Building planet of radius 236 detail 2
    [01:11:22.059] INFO 1445 decals generated.
    [01:11:22.309] INFO 9335 total planet faces.
    [01:11:22.387] INFO build complete: 336. msec
        PlanetBuilder::buildAsync: 336. msec
            BuildMeshes: 71.0 msec
                Final: 11.1 msec
                SetupVT: 59.9 msec
                Water: 6.94 usec
                other: 10.9 usec
            Csg: 245. msec
                UpdateBVH: 6.05 msec
                other: 239. msec
            GenBrushes: 5.08 msec
                PostCopyDecals: 133. usec
                other: 4.95 msec
            GenSurface: 102. usec
            PreCsg: 9.73 msec
                Create Surface Meshes: 7.48 msec
                    Connectivity: 5.93 msec
                    other: 1.55 msec
                other: 2.25 msec
            UpdateBVH: 755. usec
            other: 4.25 msec
        other: 0.906 usec
    [01:11:22.699] INFO Building planet of radius 490 detail 2
    [01:11:23.808] INFO 8579 decals generated.
    [01:11:26.928] INFO 107290 total planet faces.
    [01:11:26.443] INFO build complete: 3.75 sec
        PlanetBuilder::buildAsync: 3.75 sec
            BuildMeshes: 452. msec
                Final: 93.4 msec
                SetupVT: 356. msec
                Water: 2.21 msec
                other: 8.15 usec
            Csg: 3.14 sec
                UpdateBVH: 66.6 msec
                other: 3.07 sec
            GenBrushes: 26.1 msec
                PostCopyDecals: 647. usec
                other: 25.4 msec
            GenSurface: 377. usec
            GenWater: 1.74 msec
            PreCsg: 50.3 msec
                Create Surface Meshes: 40.0 msec
                    Connectivity: 32.8 msec
                    other: 7.17 msec
                other: 10.3 msec
            UpdateBVH: 4.12 msec
            other: 75.2 msec
        other: 2.41 usec
    The game neither crashes, nor does anything extensive on my CPU (at 5% or so). RAM usage is at 1GB (have more than 8GB remaining free). Also F5 doesn't work for me, the only way to get out is closing the window (it is still responsive).
    After restarting the game and loading the same galactic war, the situation doesn't change.

    Unidding likes this.
  2. Unidding

    Unidding New Member

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    I'm having the exact same problem; galactic war, 32 turns, 9 victories and reinstalling does nothing to fix it.

    Attached log.

    Attached Files:

  3. tollman

    tollman Member

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    I don't suppose you installed any mods in the meantime? I had this problem until I uninstalled all mods.
  4. Unidding

    Unidding New Member

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    nope, fresh install. I've never installed any mods.

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