Anti-moon smashing idea

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by nuketf, May 24, 2014.

  1. nuketf

    nuketf Active Member

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    build a nuclear missile luncher and it builds a nuke that can only fire at incomeing plantes destroying it if there are enoth
  2. ghostflux

    ghostflux Active Member

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    Basically you'd get the whole nuke/anti-nuke gameplay. Except on a much larger scale. You'd need one huge expensive rocket.

    I think the whole idea behind crashing planets into eachother is that it's a gamefinisher, and should be prevented by invading the planet before it completes the halleys.
  3. nuketf

    nuketf Active Member

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    but in the first kick starter intro it shows missiles fire at it and doing little damage so instade why not be a lot of very expensive nukes?
  4. banaman

    banaman Member

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    how about instead there is a variation of the halley and umbrella, it's function is to repel incoming asteroids counteracting the effect the hallies have on the asteroid. since the asteroid is already on the move however, you would need a minimum of number of hallies on asteroid +1 or 2 more. if at any point these go below minimum threshold (or more hallies are built) asteroid finishes hitting.

    to top it off, if asteroid is stopped it is considered an orbiting body, allowing nuclear destruction from either side.

    also, only anti halleys in a VERY large radius of impact site can be used (like, 25% of the diameter of the planet centered on where asteroid will land) will have any impact, meaning with proper scouting and especially a foothold of any kind would make it near impossible to stop even more so.

    also, this should be a LARGE energy use per anti halley.

    what would make this even more awesome is if you could somehow start a random asteroid strike process in where the same 25% of diameter of planet starts getting randomly hit by chunks of asteroid until all hallies on asteroid are brought down to below threshold. these would be very small explosions like, 10% the diameter of nuke, but it would be going on randomly like 1 every second. these explosions are insta kill on anything it hits directly.
    Last edited: May 24, 2014
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    You mean when it turned the entire planet red and showed what looked like huge cracks across a large portion of the planet exposing magma? I think we have different definitions of "little damage"! ;p

  6. valheria

    valheria Active Member

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    I think there should be a option to set a friendly planet that has enough engines to automatically intercept a enemy planet that is on a collision course with a friendly planet of yours.. That way it is a fair defence as it still costs you a entire planet and lots of metal to save a planet you would rather keep than let the one thats targeted be wiped out.

    I do think there should be a defence to planet smashing but a expensive anti planet smashing nuke is definitely NOT the answer.
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    .....isn't that pretty much what you described thought on a fundamental level?

  8. valheria

    valheria Active Member

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    No because the way i suggest is planet for planet.. instead of a super expensive nuke that can just be rebuilt later
  9. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    But if you're just smashing an asteroid with a bunch of expensive halleys.....aside from the Asteroid bit how is it different? I mean, if/when we get asteroid belts it might turn out that asteroids might not even be a strictly "limited" resource.

    In the end you're still spending a lot of money to block a smash.

  10. valheria

    valheria Active Member

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    I don't think asteroids for saving a planets is the right idea.. I think they should at least be the same size, mass ect but asteroids to block asteroids would be a bit silly even then as it might turn out to be a massive building sim on who fails first to build enough halleys on asteroids which is why i think it should be limited to planets.

    I do think there should be a limited number of useable asteroids though.

    But still almost every strategy game out there gives you a defence option for any "super" unit because as it stands.. invading a planet before a halley is built is just not always going to be possible in like a large 20 planet system as it would take far too much time. you ideally need something "buildable" in a safe ish zone to give you limited protection from a planet smash.

    I don't want this game to turn into a musical chairs war game to be honest : )
  11. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    That is kinda the point of planet smashing thought, as the game progresses the battlefield shrinks as planets get smashed eventually not leaving "room to run" as it were.

  12. nuketf

    nuketf Active Member

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    i ment the missiles hitting the planet
  13. banaman

    banaman Member

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    you realize with my suggestion it would perfectly do both of what your wanting... it would give the defender a small chance to save there planet by devoting lots of resources, but it would not be a end all strategy as even if he does stop the asteroid (which will be hard to do if he doesn't have full planet coverage, as otherwise the opponent would simply target the side his foothold is on) but he will be in a race against time as eventually the 'asteroid shower' would hit his anti halleys allowing the asteroid to continue... making it -extremely- difficult to stop, but at least possible to slow down to give enough time to make a counter attack (whether it be with nukes, man canon, or laser sats)

    actually, re-reading this thread gave me another idea...
    what if instead of 'stopping' said asteroid, you were able to 'block' said asteroid by purposely moving a moon into it's path?
    the advantage to the defender is he saved his main planet, the advantage to the attacker is he just wiped the moon making it possible to take over (or if he has a 2nd asteroid, simply send the second one)

    this would only be viable with moons, and since you lose everything on the moon, it would be impossible to stop the asteroid if there were more asteroids incoming then moons, as you would need to remake your base on the moon to do so again. it would also give planets with moons a VERY unique benefit defensively, on very large systems.
  14. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    ....or destroying the halleiys to stop it mid- track.
  15. ghostflux

    ghostflux Active Member

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    That would require an awsome amount of timing though.

    Not sure how you'd accomplish that unless you're already on that planet. And I don't think we have enough possibilities for such invasions yet.
  16. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    i've done it before and also had it happen to me twice. don't remember what it did to the planet though.

    the thing is planets used to take much longer to crash.
  17. overwatch141

    overwatch141 Active Member

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    Why not have it break up and cause less damage as it otherwise would? It would allow your Asteroid starbase of doom (complete with unit cannons) to set up a beachhead.
  18. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    I think that's a great idea.
  19. onyxia2

    onyxia2 Member

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    The thing about nuking incoming asteroids is even when you blow it up, it still cluster bombs you and hits you just as hard lol, If anything it makes the problem even worse ;p IRL scientists say you can't blow em up you have to deflect them somehow.
  20. buckfast9

    buckfast9 New Member

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    this makes sense but id rather be carpet bombed by nukes than have my planet wiped out completly lol

    possibly some anti planetary/moon/asteroid nukes that break it up and lower the damage for e.g you need 1 nuke to destroy 1500-3000 mass of planet but you still get small bits hitting doing damage so for e.g a 30000mass planet would need 10 planetary nukes to hit it and even then it could be put in that it effectivly carpet bombs the planet with different ranges of explosions you lose everything on that half of the planet maybe instead of the planet

    my 3rd game and i had a moon smashed into my commander so was looking for a way to stop it :/

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