Hi all: I look but can not find any thread on this topic. It would be nice to have the PA Launcher save my password on my local system so I do not need to type it in all the time. It is a pain to always have to retype it. RedWizzard
"It's a pain to have to retype my password every time I sign in" First World problems... No but I agree! :3
It would also be nice to get an auto-play/auto-update checkbox under it so I can launch straight into stable build without wasting any time.
I definitely agree. Although not a serious issue, it is a pain in the arse to have to type it in every time.
The game is released and this feature is still not implemented? That's why I'm here on the forums, nagging you about it. This is a feature that I, amongst many, really, really want it.
If you log in via steam (as you should to boost the games steam play statistics) you get logged in automatically into your linked uber account. So between Steam and PAMM you already have two ways to get logged in without having to remmebr your password. Edit: It would definetly a "nice to have" thing.