Hello guys, Just wanted to post a weird problem. PA runs smoothly on my computer in medium settings so set it to low However after finishing a game and trying to build another, the Menu (and probably the in-game) lags tremendously. I can't even click any button. So system reboot solves it. This also occurs when creating a game for the first time and I want to switch the map. That game can't start either. I doubt it is a server or connection problem so I am giving the specs of my computer: Windows 8.1 pro N 64-bit(6.3, build 9600) BIOS Date: 03/26/10 Inter Core i5 CPU 4096 RAM AMD Radeon HD5700 Thanks in advance.
Your RAM is low and OS need part of it too. So keep in mind some kind of planets (earth w/o water, lava) might cause lags when your PC out of memory. Large planets or too many planets will also make game lag.