Problem with loading new systems

Discussion in 'Support!' started by redlegionnaire, May 19, 2014.

  1. redlegionnaire

    redlegionnaire New Member

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    Hello guys,

    Just wanted to post a weird problem. PA runs smoothly on my computer in medium settings so set it to low :)

    However after finishing a game and trying to build another, the Menu (and probably the in-game) lags tremendously. I can't even click any button. So system reboot solves it.

    This also occurs when creating a game for the first time and I want to switch the map. That game can't start either.
    I doubt it is a server or connection problem so I am giving the specs of my computer:

    Windows 8.1 pro N 64-bit(6.3, build 9600)
    BIOS Date: 03/26/10
    Inter Core i5 CPU
    4096 RAM
    AMD Radeon HD5700

    Thanks in advance.
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Your RAM is low and OS need part of it too. So keep in mind some kind of planets (earth w/o water, lava) might cause lags when your PC out of memory. Large planets or too many planets will also make game lag.

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