This is an idea I've read about before, and had a fairly long discussion about with some colleagues. Long story short, even if you could potentially build a spaceship like the enterprise, for the same amount of money, you could build a fleet of better/more useful spaceships that weren't constrained to be like the enterprise. There are a significant number of flaws with this plan that make it both unworkable, and clearly the work of someone who doesn't have the technical skill to pull it off. This thing just ain't gonna fly.
That's not what a citation means. And this is the internet and you're talking about the feasibility of building an exploration vehicle... without any real capability to explore. First, you justify to me why it's worth building this ship without engines capable of making it go faster than a snail on marijuana. (cosmically speaking)
Honestly I'd like to see some development in sorta starfighter / Millenium Falcon kinda deals; small scale ships with only like 1-5 crew and high manoeuvrability.
I guess? That's still a really crappy way to travel, in a inefficient ship design. A star destroyer would be far more suitable.
Yes, I know, I deliberately said that because I knew that would be your response. Because of course we would forget to build any kind of artificial gravity in a star destroyer.