The game has got some pretty rad weaponry but it feels like it's missing a unit that fires a load of tracers to really light up the battlefield. Laser orbs can't compare to a good lead storm! (I realize the games not done, I just think it would be a good support unit or something)
Haha, I'm sure we'll get a nice rapid fire unit at one point, but for the moment the little orbs of yellow death are just placeholders, real, weighty, lasers are coming- I assure you.
I love this idea. PA has a really nice lighting system and it would be cool to take advantage of it with some weapon effects like tracers.
Every unit at the moment shoots little yellow balls with slight trail effects; it's pretty bland, but at some point it'll be literal laser bolts which would be quite pretty.
Ah yes, good old fashioned bullets. Although this kind of made me think about something, bullets are just kind of all over the place aren't they? I mean I'm pretty sure that more bullets have been fired in games than the amount of lead on Earth would make possible. And yet they somehow remain satisfying to use. Well, at any rate, I support this!
Uber recently said some "new tech" will be coming online "soon" so units will be able to do new and cool things. And along with that, a number of the current units are going to be repurposed. That being said, a minigun unit would be cool. But would be a more micro intensive unit. So. *shrugs*
Funny thing about those bullets, they are supersonic, so your target doesn't even hear you firing. And it's dead already.