Just throwing that out there, I love these things. They're so damn good at ravaging bases. The rest of this build is pretty nice too, I especially like how turrets are so much less useful now. But these grenadiers. So good, I luv 'em. EDIT: Although they're a bit TOO crazy.
They havent. They are OP. Decided in a game with Stuart98VSMered4. Mered won 1, stuart won 2, and it was mered tanks vs stuard grenadiers. Grenadiers are definitely not t2 strong, but they are a notch above t1 strength. So they are OP, build them in mass and roll over other armies. I wouldn't say they win games solo, but they win games against standard builds and players not using them. It messes with games slightly less than OP Peregrines did. But it definitely causes wrongful wins. Just putting that out there. This build. Grenadiers OP. Infernos with combat fabber repair OP (their health pool per cost is high, they take so much damage and heal instantly from it). Really, tanks are pretty pretty strong. Dox are useless because slightly UP and obsolete to Grenadiers. t1 in general is really really strong. T2 if obtained is still good for pocket-hits, like kestrels reacting to undefended areas previously scouted to clear them, or gile/sheller clearing things from safety, or levelers adding meat behind of already strong ants. The only reason t2 is good is because when used properly in few numbers can collect 12 kills without a death, except levelers and vanguards which can assist sniping a defensive line or a commander which pays for its loss strategically.
Isn't that what we wanted? A stronger, more viable T1? I will admit, though I do like the unit, the grenadier is pretty overpowered.
Sure, a more powerful T1 is great, but when ~20-25 grenadiers kill your comm in under 2 seconds while your comm was at full HP, then there is an issue...
Infernos really are too good IMO, the uber cannon no longer one shots them. I haven't messed around with inferno spam rushes but I have a feeling that it might be just as scary as grenadiers.
Upon messing around with them (and losing two games to Gandalf because of this messing around) Infernos are easily beaten by someone who's playing how they should be (read: spamming nothing but grenadiers). If the other guy doesn't spam grenadiers then they are deadly, however.
Okay, but what game in the previous build don't you spam kestrel? Besides, hopefully if they have bug fixes internally, they pass those AND turn the numbers down on grenadiers very soon.
What about someone who's mixing some infernos with a bunch of grenadiers, with 1-3 combat fabbers in the rear? Seems like the infernos' tank could prolong the grenadiers' longevity.
Plenty of games i never used kestrels, and I personally don't think the skill level or meta game in this community as a whole evolved enough for people to start seeing the counter-timings of t2 air. Naval and water worlds being the exception. Besides, all that was needed was a nerf to peregrines so that you could actually have a ghost of a chance of holding with just hummingbirds. Spam those stingers at 6-7 minutes, and ideally be able to use hummingbirds to defend proxies. We didn't need an entire tier of units invalidated like in this build just to deal with the t2 air problem.
We didn't need to start with an entire tier of invalidated units. Units whose cost is mostly thrown away when they are used. Either way, I am not saying this build is "it". I am not even saying this build is perfect once grenadiers are nerfed. I would prefer grenadier nerf, t2 units cost slightly less while structures remain same, and at the same time several t2 units nerfed. Some of those t2 units can really clear entire bases, watched even in competitive games. Zaphod had most a planet one time and an enemy bottled up gil-e armies and just surged the planet first cleaning proxies then his perimeter then his base chunk after chunk. Plenty of good players lose from vanguard drops out of the blue or even ones that got by despite directed fighters onto them. Plenty lose to kestrels just pickin at whatever happens to be clear of AA at that moment and in competitives what usually happens with kestrels is a lot of strategy nonetheless like attacking t2 air factories and full-on sacrificing peregrines vs peregrines just to do massive kestrel damage while t2 air is down and to keep t2 air down that way. And it really is in that order of priority in my opinion. Grenadiers can go down a notch. Then, t2 units price can go down. Then, if it even feels necesary, t2 units can get a bit of a nerf, things like gil-e speed nerf and unable to shoot+fire, sheller damage nerf maybe rate increase, vanguard get something else besides a high damage weapon, kestrel do less damage maybe get more health, bombers are alright they do high damage and have less health, levelers alright too, peregrines could use something new probably as a buff atm, dox need a buff.
No. they dont. I know that. That has been changed since very first PTE that made t2 eco x12. That was a long time ago. Still, stable up until two days ago did. Meaning every game it seemed like one person played against another, it did.
Since grenadiers are supposed to be anti-building/turret, they need a low rate of fire. They could even get a range buff. That'll keep them in their dedicated role, and the dox in its dedicated role.