I knew I had a copy of HPIView somewhere It's 50 for CA 80 for CK and 100 for CV Advanced versions are double. Edit: Raven you beat me by like 2 min <shakes fist> (I was just checking)
Assisting factories is a bit of a skill in TA. I like small things like knowing you can assist an air factory with 2 cvs if you are building bombers but only 1 if anything else. How many farks can assist and how to lock units around the factory so they don't block the exit ramps. Agree it's tedious micro and annoying but still cool.
My files are telling me something completely different, even from the numbers that you're telling me. Then again I do have the Community Patch, so it's very possible that the Worker Time was (at some point) lower. *shrug*
Hmmm, EVE online (which I played a lot) has a formula for tracking which is hidden. In 11 years of the game, players only found approximations of the tracking / hit formula... I don't think that, because a variable is hidden, you won't be able to play a game. The brain is a wonderful computer and even if you don't have the hard numbers, your sub-conscience will still guide you.
True man, usually when you start thinking your making mistakes and the whole thinkin process is just there because you doubt your first idea's.
Note how he said subconscious. I challenge you to go down to your local park and play a game of Donkey using a tennis ball and a friend. Play one round. Then turn around so you can't see your friend. Get him to tell you the angle and speed the ball will be thrown, and communicate to you when the ball will be thrown using an LED in front of you. He's to do that half a second before the ball is actually thrown, and communicate values to you using a computer screen at the same time. Do the maths for the movement of the ball through the air. Figure out a formula. Then solve it in real time everytime he throws the ball so as to find the position your hand needs to occupy to catch the ball so that you catch the ball. My prediction, despite the fact that you have all of the variables of the system in front of you, is that you don't catch the ball as many times as you did when you played only being able to see the system and none of its associated variables.
Mobile fabbers are cheap but they require a lot of energy to run. Although in total infrastructure cost they are about equal to basic factories. http://people.dsv.su.se/~akbj7812/pa-db/table/builders.html http://people.dsv.su.se/~akbj7812/pa-db/table/factories.html However fabbers can easily erect Laser turrets that are more than 3(edit) times as costeffective in combat compared to basic units. http://people.dsv.su.se/~akbj7812/pa-db/table/everything.html Since that they are cheap while draining a lot of energy you generally have a lot of extra fabbers offline, ready to start building once you have enough energy. This means that you have excess build power that can easily switch to making defences once you spot the incoming enemy. I think it would be better if mobile fabbers were expensive but had a lower energy drain than factories. IMO factories should drain a lot of energy but that the infrastructure cost in total should favour factory production compared to mobile fabber production. This would mean that you wouldn't have so many idle mobile fabbers around. Edit: (Double)Laser Defense turrets are about 3.6 times more costeffective in combat compared to Doxes if the gradual losses of Dox and the range difference is neglected.